為什麼要使用DFA-8.3 BFA WoW Rogue PvP

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  1. Kinda random question but do you use an mmo mouse? and if so then what do you keybind to it? recently started using one and i'm undecided on if its better to bind rotational stuff to it or just save for cooldowns/defensives. Love the the video and love the channel, keen to see some more 8.3 arena gameplay! Lots of love from Australia

  2. This is a sick way to use DFA, thanks for the tip man! Forever helping all the rogue brothers out there. Keep up the good work 🙂

  3. hey man love your videos, just wondering how do you get omnicc to show on the debuffs on ur nameplates? I've been trying to figure it out and its driving me nuts

  4. What do you think is going to be the best level 75 essence? Seems like a tossup between Vision of Perfection & Spark of Inspiration. Thoughts?

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