Mana圖形的試用版和載入時間比較(Nintendo Switch與PS4)

重製《魔法審判》在Nintendo Switch上的表現如何?加入我們,與PlayStation 4版本並駕齊驅,測試載入時間並深入了解圖形差異!


early在上以$ 1 / month的價格早獲取Real Talk播客。

  1. I played the demo on PC(1080ti, Ryzen 3600, SSD) and PS4 Pro in UHD. PC was smoother (that's why I don't think PS4 was 60 FPS), less loading times and it looked better. BUT even on PC there were ugly texture pop-ups. With no graphics settings, I can't tell if you can fix that in the final version. Hope so, because the demo was a lot of fun!

  2. I played the demo on both systems today. I could live with the lower resolution on Switch, but there are frame pacing issues and it looks really jerky sometimes. Textures load slowly too.

  3. I'm going to assume that the loading speed is due to the switch using flash memory vs the PS4 HD. Though I am not all that familiar with PS4

  4. not a fan of the "enhanced" shadows on the PS4. It gives the game an unnecessary darker look. 3:42 now that just looks horrible on ps4. Those bricks do not need black lines like that.

  5. As much as I would love to have this on my PS4, I need it on my Switch lite, because it's collecting dust and this is the game to justify it's purchase. (Then I'll get it on my PlayStation once there's a price drop)

  6. Well this test doesn't mean much if you don't give us some background information. Was this game installed on the internal hard drive or an external one (load times can vary greatly b/w the two) and was it running off a disc or digital only? Was the switch in portable or docked mode? Was it running off a downloaded copy or a cartridge? You need to provide data like this if you're going to post videos that are suppose to analyze this stuff, otherwise its kinda meaningless.

  7. Interesting how the Switch version is the one with the bloom overlay this time. It can also be patched to use a higher clock rate for loading, but that's up to Squenix. By the end of the demo, I wanted to play more.

  8. Man, BIG difference between the 2. The PS4 version has a higher native resolution and looks MUCH better, and runs at 60FPS vs 30FPS for the Switch. Thats a no brainer for me, Switch doesnt even come close.

  9. Thought about getting it on PS4, but the rumored censorship on PS4 concerns me. The load times are much better on Switch so getting it there.

  10. After having played the demo on Switch I can safely say that graphics don't really matters in a game like this one. I mean the characters looks great but the environements are a bit lacking. Really nice atmosphere but a bit empty at time. So a graphic downgrade won't even be that noticeable. Even if it feels much much better to play at 60FPS. I will go for the Switch version, but PS4 version looks great.

  11. Switch version is ugly, clunky and blurry. PS4 version is just ugly… These are some low-effort graphics. It's like they tried to make something that looks good but gave up halfway… It doesn't come close to the graphical quality of Dragon Quest.

  12. The Switch version is a huge improvement over what I played at PAX last year. I swear, the Switch version they had playable last September had me very concerned, it was extremely muddy looking and was probably running sub 720p docked. Having played an hour of the demo last night it is looking very good.

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