丹尼爾·卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman):「思考,快速和緩慢」 Google會談

@Google Talks很榮幸地歡迎心理學英雄Daniel Kahneman。

丹尼爾·卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman)因其在心理學領域的開創性工作而對諾貝爾經濟學獎獲得者,該挑戰性挑戰了決策和決策的理性模型,是我們最重要的思想家之一。他的思想對包括經濟學,醫學和政治學在內的許多領域都產生了深刻而廣泛的影響,但是直到現在,他還從未將自己多年的研究和思想集中到一本書中。


卡尼曼與讀者就我們的思維進行了生動的對話,揭示了我們在什麼地方可以相信和不能相信自己的直覺,以及如何利用緩慢思考的好處。他對如何在我們的業務和個人生活中做出選擇,以及我們如何使用不同的技術來防止經常使我們陷入困境的心理故障提供實用而啟發性的見解。快速,慢速思考將改變您思考的方式。 。

  1. People at Google are very much interested in emulating language expertise and deducing it from a large corpus of speech. But as Kahneman points out, expertise is possible when there are regularities. And some of the most significant messeges that people exchange tend to be the most irregular in substance and in form. Like secrets, jokes, metaphors, poetry, euphemisms, interjections. They need System 2, working in concert with System 1. As a result, AI will give precedence, then promote, then impose that, which is irrelevant to humans.

  2. Is it safe to assume the uber religious operate on system 1. To believe in some fantasy sky daddy after it was hammered into many of us by our parents for many years… I hear uber religious and many middle of the road religious speaking about a god as if they speak to him or her on a daily. They are just so convinced of these fanciful tales and assert the ideas to others in an aggressive and then dismissive manner.

  3. There may not be TWO SYSTEMS in the Brain, but there is a PrimeBrain for Action/Reaction and a more RationalBrain for "Thinking"/
    They are NOT CONNECTED. Ergo… Hint…Hint.

  4. When asked if System 2 depends more on cortical centers while System 1 is in subcortical centers, I saw a glimpse of evolution. It would seem that lacking language System 2 would have no space to act, hence System 1 should be more developed than System 1, in the metaphorical sense that Kahneman uses "Systems."

  5. I』ve read his book 5 times and still enjoyed how he broke down big concepts into small pieces of information that anybody with enough enthusiaism will grasp. This book opened my eyes to how we think and how we make judgemental errors. Definiately recommend reading it.

  6. "It's not a case of: 'Read this book and then you'll think differently. I've written this book, and I don't think differently."
    – Daniel Kahneman

    My favorite quote of his that encapsulates perfectly what he is saying.

  7. The real bias, is the bias against 'biases'. In real time, these biases/heuristics lead directly and indirectly into new insights. For example, with confirmation bias, it helps serve as empirical evidence towards what we believe . For example, with confirmation bias if "we tend to confirm information we believe" through multiple lines of information, in a certain situation, then there is probably something factual about what we believe, and we know its safe to spend more time on rigorously justifying/proving it. Where as linear thinkers tend to miss on the opportunity. That is a tenant of EMPIRICISM – NOT A BIAS. There is a difference between using a bias to make a quick and impulsive decision in a trivial situation, for which there is little at stake, and using a sense of our biases (in harmony with rationality) towards solving critical problems. In effect, these anti-bias proponents are merely talented straw-man engineers; mostly achievement < IQ types and graying anglophiles who indulge in a deluded sense of intellectual worth.

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