埃里克·里斯:「精益創業」 | Google會談

Google主持了Eric Ries的《精益創業》作者


Eric是受歡迎的博客Startup Lessons Learned的作者,也是Lean Startup方法的創建者。他與他人共同創立了IMVU,並擔任該公司的CTO,這是他的第三家創業公司,該公司如今擁有超過4000萬用戶,2009年的收入超過2200萬美元。他是哈佛商學院(Harvard Business School)的常駐企業家,並經常在商務活動中演講,他使用精益創業(Lean Startup)方法為創業公司提供業務和產品戰略方面的建議。



  1. I love this question at 56:11 "Why is it not okay for Google to fail. Why not take risks, fall on your face and admit it quickly and move on".

    I don't think Eric said anything about "It's not okay for Google to fail".

  2. This methodology of knowing when to stop pursuing something and changing direction (pivoting) applies to so much more than management or startups alone!

    Whether it's a personal career path, a plan for a vacation, someone trying to hold on to a toxic relationship. Just taking a moment to realize that it is no longer beneficial to continue working on it (whatever it is you're doing) is useful in almost any situation.

    Sure, we're told to follow our heart and dreams by pretty much every self-help book out there. But giving up on a dream every once in a while shouldn't be looked down upon as a disaster. The shattering of one dream can show you the way to a new one. This way a lesson can be drawn from almost anything you do, anything we do, anything a company does or anything our collective society does.

    All we need to do is take this opportunity to learn, reflect on our actions and take time for this. Oftentimes it isn't even necessary to give up entirely, a small adjustment in another direction is all that's needed. So long as we later take a look to see whether this other direction was a right one and continue this loop of constant improvement.

    Beautiful talk, inspired me to think broader than only on the scale of startups.

  3. I heard about lean startup, strategy, management, etc. in many meetings and discussions but never got a chance to know more about it. Recently I read book the lean startup and found many organisations spend money, time, energy in building final products that either customers do not want or they don't like. Also, with traditional way of product development customers are involved at very late phase of the project. results, product cannot be change or revert back because company spends months/years in building product. With lean startup, organisations, new teams, new entrepreneur, product development team can build minimum viable product without knowing full requirements or knowing all possible assumptions.

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