斯蒂芬·金醫生的睡眠-最終預告片 [HD]

世界將再次閃耀。 《斯蒂芬·金的睡眠醫生》僅在11月8日上映。

「睡眠醫生」延續了丹尼·托倫斯(Danny Torrance)的故事,距他可怕地呆在《閃靈》的Overlook酒店40年之後。伊萬·麥格雷戈(Ewan McGregor),麗貝卡·弗格森(Rebecca Ferguson)和新人基里格·柯蘭(Kyliegh Curran)出演了邁克·弗拉納根(Mike Flanagan)執導的超自然驚悚片,該片取材自斯蒂芬·金(Stephen King)的小說。
丹·托蘭斯(Dan Torrance)仍然為自己的童年所遭受的創傷感到不可挽回的傷痛,但他一直在努力尋找某種和平的表象。但是,當他遇到一個勇敢的少年亞伯拉(Abra)並擁有自己強大的感官天賦,被稱為「光亮」時,這種和平就被打破了。 Abra本能地意識到Dan擁有自己的力量,因此迫切地尋求幫助,以幫助他對抗無情的Rose the Hat和她的追隨者The True Knot,他們以無辜者的光芒照耀他們尋求永生。

「睡眠醫生」由伊萬·麥格雷戈(Ewan McGregor)飾演(「星球大戰:第I,II和III集」,「 T2火車點」),飾演Dan Torrance,麗貝卡·弗格森(Rebecca Ferguson)(飾演《不可能:不可能》的電影,《最偉大的表演者》),飾演《玫瑰帽》 ,以及凱莉·柯蘭(Kyliegh Curran)在她的長篇電影首演中,飾演Abra。主要的合唱演員還包括卡爾·倫布利,贊恩·麥克拉農,艾米莉·艾琳·林德,布魯斯·格林伍德,喬斯林·多納休,亞歷克斯·埃索和克里夫·柯蒂斯。
 特雷弗·梅西(Trevor Macy)和喬恩·伯格(Jon Berg)製作了這部電影,羅伊·李,斯科特·倫普金,阿基瓦·戈德斯曼和凱文·麥考密克擔任執行製片人。
 Flanagan的幕後創意團隊由攝影總監Michael Fimognari(「山屋的困擾」),生產設計師Maher Ahmad(「 Get Hard」)和Elizabeth Boller(「 Hush」)以及服裝設計師Terry Anderson領導。 (「盜賊之窩」)。樂譜由牛頓兄弟(「山之屋的困擾」)組成。
 華納兄弟影業(Warner Bros. Pictures)發行,《無畏影業》 /《韋爾蒂戈》娛樂節目,邁克·弗拉納根電影(Mike Flanagan),「睡眠醫生」。 《 Doctor Sleep》將於2019年11月8日在北美髮布,並於2019年10月30日在全球範圍內發行,華納兄弟影視公司將在全球發行。 。

  1. Stands toe-to-toe with The Shining. The soundtrack was seriously creeping me out. Spoiler Alert when they return to the Overlook and I heard the theme I nearly lost it. They did a great job with that. By the time it all ended my mind was bent, eyes bloodshot and was left reeling. Bravo!

  2. This is the best movie i ever watched i even finished singning with the ending lmao absolutly Fun!! I wished this was never ended! ❤❤❤

  3. Worth every penni great movie great castin I loved the way they created new scenes from the shining and how similar the actors looked to the original actors it was a fun ride for sure, great for fans of the shining.

  4. I was disgusted at the scene of them and the boy from the baseball game… I felt that part was unnecessary and insensitive. I couldn』t watch anymore. I understand that they use children but to show in somewhat detail them harming a child was disgusting.

  5. Read the novel, which was AWESOME.
    Then watched the movie, which was disappointing
    > that's how it usually goes with King's work.

    But NOT with this one! The first three quarters of the movie are AMAZING. They did a fine job picking JUST the right actors for Danny, Rose the Hat, Crow and Abra Stone. The last quarter could have been better, but still. Thumbs up! Great movie!

  6. is this movie worth watching? anyone had seen it yet? i want to show it to my 5 year old son. he saw the original shining movie with me few years ago.

  7. I have never read the shining or this one. Although I'm a Stephen King fan. I'm not a bookworm however his books was part of my childhood. Back in those days where I was bored as hell and reading was the only thing that can stimulate my brain.

    Anyway the very first book that I've read was The Dreamcatcher. And when I watched this movie it brought back feelings of when I was reading that book. I've seen some of Stephen King's movie but this was the first time that a movie made me feel like I was reliving what I read. And it made me so happy honestly. This was like what I was imagining back then when I was reading his books. The telepathy and stuff that fascinated me as a young kid.

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