









  1. Hey Dr becky, this is the last video I've watched tonight before I watched the "what to eat if no eggs for breakfast" video, and wonder what you think about oats ie porridge in the morning, I do enjoy it and I'm told from doc its good for my high cholesterol?????? Please let me know paula in the UK

  2. Help, I cannot eat cooked vegetables. I would love to be able to eat them. Aside from cooked tomatoes and mushrooms, I cannot tolerate the taste. I shudder even thinking of trying. I like some of them raw and I enjoy sauerkraut. I can eat some cooked in soup and love oriental vegetables, although they may have more starch. I love fresh salads and raw cabbage. I love potatoes, onions and cucumbers. How can I eat healthy?

  3. If all the teachers will be like you this world will be totally different, education will be more apreciated and wanted. You definetly focus on delivering the message ,and your main focus is for us to understand it . Most of 「 teachers」 focus on themselves and around how smart they are
    Congratulations for that , you are a great scholar who really understand value delivery

  4. What if you are trying to fast? I only eat OMAD. So all I can use to kill my afternoon hunger is water & sea salt. I eat a huge salad, a small piece of meat & veggies for dinner. And in the morning I have a bullet proof coffee to try & sustain me till dinner. Still by around 3 or 4 pm my stomach hurts. I feed it water & salt but I am still terribly 「hangry」 until I get to eat. I want to try to extend my fast to 48 hours but as long as I feel that hungry before the 24 hours are up, I can』t even imagine extending my fast another hour.

  5. can you tell when your body is burning fat? and I am a cyclist I m  doing the no sugar cleanse, if I m not eating any carbs and no sugar how can I expect to keep my energy up on a fifty mile bike ride without bonking?  I weigh 168 and I want to get to 155? I love all the information in this video, I will try it.

  6. Hi Dr Becky, I've been eating a small bowl of oats porridge in the evening (no salt no sugar). It stops me from feeling hungry and I don't want to eat meat in the evening. I'm I doing myself harm?

  7. The reason why women don』t know they have it is bc Drs in America usually won』t request exams. I went to my country and the exams showed I had a lot of cysts, I came back to America and told my obgyn and she just said most women have it.. no need for exams

  8. On keto veggies have carbs so limited. Meat has zero carbs. Just don't go over protein limit. So add butter and fat. But I watched this video and will factor some low carb veggies into my diet.

  9. These videos are explained so well. Understanding how stuff works really make me want to eat veggies a lot more! lol. Of course I knew they were good for your health, and help with weight loss, but no one ever breaks it down like this. Thank you!

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