重新定義休息-放慢速度以加快速度! | Bec Heinrich | TEDxFargo

貝克·海因里希(Bec Heinrich)向各個年齡段的領導者學習,發展,指導和諮詢。在這次演講中,她分享了忙碌的疾病如何腐蝕我們的生活,以及為什麼休息對激勵和可持續的領導至關重要。 Bec探索了休息如何改變她的生活和領導能力,並從她的研究中分享了休息對人們績效的影響。

Bec在過去的18年中一直致力於培養各個年齡段的領導者。 Bec在16歲時創立了她的第一家公司,然後在21歲時創辦了一家社會企業,該公司向澳大利亞的教育部門提供諮詢,以設計和促進領導力和品格發展計劃。她花了10年的時間對該組織進行擴展。貝克(Bec)移居美國,是德勤(Deloitte)華盛頓特區溫室(Greenhouse)的經理,該場所是一個創新與協作空間,她可以幫助行政級別的商業,政府和非營利客戶專註於戰略對話。 Bec擁有悉尼麥格理大學(Macquarie University)的政治和法律學位,曾在斯坦福大學(Stanford University)學習社會企業家精神和創新,最近還獲得了喬治敦大學(Georgetown University)的碩士學位。她的論文是關於休息對領導者績效的影響,這是在她進行了長達一年的放假學習如何減速以加快速度的過程中得到的啟發。


  1. I do nothing important, but I can't let myself relax and think, I make myself busy with anything that doesn't make me think about my life and the thing I am afraid of, I just be anxious in the inside, it's painful feeling stay weeks and months with me.

  2. Beautiful talk!!! Very nice!! Thank you so much for underlying the importance of this! Rest is crucial for everything we are rly human doings instead of human beings and it costs us a lot that we take time to realize and by the time we do is already too late for us. Thank you beautiful speech

  3. nothing new. the chinese have talked about this for as long as i can remember (and obviously much longer than that). The "doing nothing" concept where you're actually propelled forward.
    Just a repackaging of the same stuff.

  4. Excellent video content! Excuse me for chiming in, I would appreciate your thoughts. Have you tried – Rozardner Stopping Sounds Reality (should be on google have a look)? It is a great exclusive guide for how to instantly slow down music by software without the normal expense. Ive heard some amazing things about it and my friend got excellent results with it.

  5. I'mma be pedantic for a second:

    忙 (mang2, busy), which is the word that is being referenced, is indeed made up of 心 (xin1, heart) and 亡 (wang2, death). However, it's probably not for the reasons you're thinking. There are often (not always, and frustratingly, not usually that helpful) two components to a character in Chinese: the semantic component (i.e., the part that suggests meaning) and the phonetic component (i.e., the part that suggests pronunciation).

    For sociocultural/sociolinguistic reasons that I don't fully comprehend, concepts like "busy" are often associated with 心 in Chinese, possibly because it's fairly synonymous to our meaning of "mind"(as in "change your mind"). Hence its appearance in the word 忙…ish. I dunno. I just learn it, not so much question it!

    亡 is one of those words that just happens to crop up a lot as a phonetic component for many different characters. It's in the word for mango (芒果), it's in the word for hope (望), and more. Unfortunately, it also just so happens to mean "death."

  6. As a recovered Goal Addict, I can really get down with this. Life isn't a race, it's an experience. What happens when you finish? I'll give you a hint. It's a box and it's dark.

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