如何加快計算機/ PC /筆記本電腦的Windows 10提示和調整-更快的遊戲-免費,輕鬆

有關如何加速Windows 10以及更快的遊戲和更快的遊戲玩家的視頻。您的快速筆記本電腦等於快速遊戲,等於快速fps。這些步驟還將使您獲得一些現場知識,以了解如何加快互聯網速度以及如何通過提高整體系統性能來加快PC的遊戲速度。在Minecraft遊戲玩法,英雄聯盟,使命召喚黑色行動,使命召喚黑色行動3,魔獸世界,戰場,SIMS 3,Left for dead和Metal Gear等遊戲中查看如何提高計算機速度更多fps。無需購買任何其他應用程序或軟體即可更快。 https://youtu.be/zM3HnE282RQ

如果您想了解如何使Windows 10的遊戲速度更快,如何提高遊戲性能,更快的遊戲速度以及針對所有軟體應用(例如Microsoft Office Word和Power Point)優化筆記本電腦,而不是此視頻。 。

  1. Omggg I'm happy I needed this so bad, I'm starting YouTube and my FPS are crap now it's like working and like wowoowow. Lmao thanks.
    Me:watches videos has 10-15fps
    Also me; after watching the video has 20-30 now after another video I had 15 again

    Me:finds this video no hope since last other channel failed
    Also me: >:) I'm so FAST HAHAHAHHAHA
    lmao I worked compared to some other crap that didn't thanks dude.
    I meant another video Oki was before then after was Ur video

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