
這就是Summer,Ale,Dario,Edo End Sofia發生的情況。在亞得里亞海岸的陽光下度過了三個月的時間,使他們與過去決裂,質疑自己的信念,讓他們發現自己的真實身份。
與Ludovico Tersigni,Coco Rebecca Edogamhe,Andrea Lattanzi,Amanda Campana,Giovanni Maini,Alicia Ann Edogamhe和Thony的系列作品。

Giorgio Poi是OST的作者,也是音樂監督者之一。配樂包括Francesca Michielin,Frah Quintale,Giorgio Poi,Achille Lauro,Salmo,Franco125,Tommaso Paradiso,Gemitaiz,Izi,Thony Raphael Gualazzi和Coma_Cose。




在義大利亞得里亞海岸的一個夏天,兩個來自不同背景的年輕人墜入愛河。受到Federico Moccia的書籍系列的啟發。 。

  1. I hate fast subtitles! You spend more time trying to read them over watching the actual movie. I'll pass on this although it looks good.

  2. At first I thought this was Spanish, and then I thought, "wait no, is that Italian?" And then I thought "…. no it's Spanish, it's probably just in Spain so that's why it sounds different from the way I typically hear it."

    And then I read the rest of the description where it said it was in Italy, lol.

    I can't believe you came to my TEDTalk when we're supposed to be social distancing! >:(

    Lol, what the frick

  3. For those of you that are not italian having an italian film in which the lead is a black female with her natural hair out is a revolution like i finally feel represented as a afroitalian

  4. Oh god, I kept putting off checking this out because I thought it was just another teen, cliche summer movie but now that I finally did check it out, I'm definitely watching it!!

  5. All that time in the past watching dystopian movies and living a regular life. Now it』s like we』re in a dystopian movie watching what regular life used to be like.

  6. This series kind of appeals to me. After the last weeks of news of many sad and depressing fates I really like the easy going vibe of this trailer/Series. ?

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