



迪克·托克(Tik Tok):@ RoadTrip



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  1. Please don't stop with RoadTrip.

    You gave me a real smile.

    I finally accept myself.

    I am finally myself because of you.

    I am stronger than usual and I want to thank you for that.

    Don't stop I need you.

  2. I'm not emotional at all but I cried. Congratulations. Now I can't wait till Sunday. Been here for two years. Thank you for being here for me without even knowing it. Much love from Greece! Stay healthy x

  3. You guys are helping me survive quarantine. You also help me smile everyday you all make me so happy there have been sad times, happy times, and scary times. But you boys and the Roadies stick together and we help each other even if we don』t know each other you make every roadie so happy.

    Andy: This Band wouldn』t be a thing without you. You make every roadie feel safe and loved and you are so down to earth with everything you do and say. It』s crazy how of an amazing person you are. Do not change for anyone. You are always there being the mature one of the band lol ? but you also have a funny and sweet side and I love it. I want to make this as short as possible but I』m going to let it all out because I love you and I』m soooo thankful for you and I』ll be with RoadTrip every step of the way love you ?.

    Rye: You are seriously the kindest sweetest soul I know of, you are hilarious and I think of you when I』m down. You treat the Roadies like family you are so sweet to your family. Youre not afraid to show your true colors, you』re also not afraid to do crazy things to keep us entertained. You show us how much you love us. My biggest fear when I joined the RoadTrip journey was I would let you down but I will NEVER let you down I』ll be here forever. I love you so much ❤️

    Brooklyn: You are so weird and corky but I love it you are always the one who makes people smile and laugh when you tell a really weird joke ?. We love how loving and caring you are you』re such a soft soul and I love that about you. You』re always so happy and are always smiling and you don』t care what other people think I love you so much ?

    Sonny: You are so amazing your personality is one of the best ones I』ve ever seen on someone. You always do something crazy and I love how you take time for the Roadies and you always smile and laugh and you just make me happy. I』ll be here with RoadTrip FOREVER I promise and I will NEVER break that promise. I love you ? so much
    Harper: Your already amazing and you』ve only been in the band for a little bit but I love that you hopped onto the RoadTrip journey and I can』t wait for this journey to keep going it was weird when someone left because I』d never been part of RoadTrip when they did the trial vlogs. But these have been the craziest and best ones. I love you and am so ready for this journey so proud. ?

    RoadTrip: You guys are my wings when I forget how to fly and my road when I forget how to walk. I would sacrifice anything for you and I know you』d do the same. This past year has been amazing! And when I meet you I will cry because I』ve waited so long for that moment and I will show my love for you. Thank you so much for making me smile no matter the situation. I』ve loved this journey and can』t wait for more! ❤️

    -Paisley ❤️❤️❤️

  4. I have been watching there vlogs since I was 8 or 9and now I』m 13 it』s great to see how much the band has changed and how much the band has grown. It』s not even me who』s in the band and I』m super proud. They have worked really hard and they deserve for people to know them and to listen to there amazing voices. I』m not usually a type of person that likes boy bands it』s just not my thing but I like this boy band. Love there music it』s amazing. I am so proud of what they have accomplished

  5. This made me sad cause I』ve been a fan of rttv since 2017 and the fact the boys where worried about selling tickets etc just hurts in ways I can』t explain this band truly has changed me as a person I remember the first time leaving my first ever Roadtrip concert like wow those boys are my world and have been since the band have been through so much like with mikey and jack and that really influenced a lot of people into like oh is this the end the boys are all goNna leave etc but no matter what the boys have done something magical to my life so seeing sonny and harper cry hurts cause we are all so proud of the boys no matter what cause we are roadies x?

  6. I have genuinely been watching this for the past hour ….. I』ve cried many times. You lads have came so far from oxford square to tiny arenas then bigger ones then Shepard』s bush ? I』m so proud of everything you have done ? since I』ve been a roadie you have all made my life even better ? well done lads ? proud of you ! ?❤️

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