



01:59-技巧02:標記/清除接縫和展開快捷方式(編輯模式/ Ctrl + E和U)
02:55-技巧03:Smart UV Project(編輯模式/ U→Smart UV Project)
04:48-技巧04:「查看」項目(編輯模式/ U→「查看」項目)
06:40-技巧07:使UV和「編輯模式」網格選擇保持同步(UV /圖像編輯器→標題)
07:59-技巧08:鏡像接縫(編輯模式和邊選擇/ Shift + G→接縫/ 3D視圖→頁眉→選擇→鏡像)
09:16-技巧09:更改島邊距(編輯模式/ U→展開/操作面板→邊距)
09:40-技巧10:更改展開方法(編輯模式/ U→展開/操作面板→方法)
10:35-技巧11:孤島選擇(UV /圖像編輯器→頁眉→孤島選擇)
11:29-技巧12:保護島嶼(UV /圖像編輯器/ P&Alt + P)
12:27-技巧13:UV造型(UV /圖像編輯器→工具架→選項→UV造型)
13:22-技巧14:顯示拉伸(UV /圖像編輯器→「屬性」→「顯示」→「拉伸」)
15:32-技巧15:平均島嶼比例(UV /圖像編輯器/ Ctrl + A)
16:02-技巧16:實時展開(UV /圖像編輯器)→(UV /圖像編輯器→工具架→選項→實時展開)
17:21-技巧17:UV網格紋理(UV /圖像編輯器→頁眉→新建)
21:36-技巧19:繪製其他對象(UV /圖像編輯器→「屬性」→「顯示」→「繪製其他對象」)
24:07-技巧21:在3D視圖中選擇島嶼(編輯模式/面部選擇/ L)

Vibe Tracks的「 Vibe Tracks」(YouTube圖書館)。

  1. No person ever explains why everything is crammed in there on the UV map like we are short on space. Why not keep everything together as much as possible instead of putting the hand right next to the face and the wrist next to the belly. ? It seams this is going to be really hard to do anything with this when we UV export.

  2. UV editing fills me with hubris. I'm literally unwrapping something like a chocolate santa. I shouldn't be given this power. I feel like a 5th dimensional entity.

  3. Tip number 0) Learn the way professionals actually do UV mapping instead of figuring it out as you go along every time with a vague idea of how it works

  4. Thanks for the very useful video. I love Blender and have been using it for a long time. Nevertheless, in comparison with Maya, the functionality of the UV editor is not sufficient. Very sorry. Difficult tasks in the UV editor are hindered.

  5. Thank you for these wonderful tips.
    Very easy to follow and informative!
    Please keep making more wonderful videos and don't mind the

    negative reaction on how you say words in english. 🙂
    You are awesome!

  6. I create a mirror after finishing it i cannot get the dublicate mesh on UV/image editor help please. How to show the dublicate mirror mesh uv mapping?

  7. Some nice tips but blender uv need some love from devs because it is lacking many cool features and the minute rizom get a solid bridge for blender 2.8 i will buy their tool that is simply amazing for fast UV work!

  8. Your English kicks ass my friend. English is my second language, I had the opportunity to learn by being immersed. I respect the fact that you are learning it through your own efforts, that seems much more challenging. You sound great, and seeking to improve yourself only makes me admire and respect you more.

  9. Hi, I can't find the Tag Seam option in Blender 2.8, I used it a lot with live unwrap in 2.79 because it helps me to create the seams faster, does someone knows where is this Tag Seam option in 2.8? 05:20 — Thanks!

  10. There are only-english speakers all over the place who say Wiking, Vater, Veather, Vaiting, Wersus, Wiolence, etc… lots of V's swapped with W's and not a single bi-lingual person among them. All pure english-only speakers.

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