神奇寶貝歷險記:系列官方預告片(2020年新推出)Netflix Anime HD

觀看《神奇寶貝旅程:系列》的官方預告片,這部動畫電影由Rica Matsumoto和Ikue Otani主演。於2020年6月12日在Netflix上可用。

神奇寶貝教練Ash Ketchum有一個新計劃:環遊世界!但是首先,他和他的搭檔皮卡丘(Pikachu)前往Cerise實驗室的開幕儀式,該實驗室致力於研究每個地區的神奇寶貝的奧秘。阿什遇見了另一個對神奇寶貝充滿好奇的男孩Goh,當Cerise教授要求他們成為正式研究員時,兩個人都為之歡喜。由於灰燼一如既往地成為神奇寶貝大師,而Goh的目標是趕上每一個神奇寶貝(包括神話傳說中的喵喵),我們的英雄們將在探索神奇寶貝的廣闊世界中充滿冒險和興奮!

©2020 Nintendo ・Pokémon和Netflix International B.V.版權所有。 。

  1. Now I get it why it's taking so long to have an english dub… It's Neflix who is going to air the episodes! And they like to air a line of episodes in a row.

  2. So, I sense that this will be the last goodbye to Disney XD, On Demand and DisneyNOW as the old home for every Pokémon anime!!!

    And now, welcome to a new home of Netflix anime, Pokémon anime!!! This is only the beginning……..

    A new reimagined version of Pokémon anime, "Pokémon Journeys: The Series" is Coming to Netflix, Friday, June 12th, 2020 with only the first 12 episodes remaining!!

    After the last farewell to the Walt Disney company, Netflix will finally be acquired on the Pokemon company as a new partnership!!!

    Ash is BACK with his new friends, Go in an all-new anime series produced exclusively on Netflix!!! New allies, new threats, new enemies, new friends, new journey, new adventures, new battle, new characters, new challenges with old and new pokémon, new travels to around the world and of course, new songs and a whole lot of new episodes!!

    So, come along, have fun and enjoy a Netflix Original Series, "Pokémon Journeys: The Series", Coming Exclusively to Netflix, June 12th 2020!!


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