克里斯·沃斯:「永不分開」 | Google會談


前美國聯邦調查局牽頭的國際綁架談判代表克里斯·沃斯(Chris Voss)在《永不分開:談判就好像生活取決於它》一書中細分了這些策略,以便任何人都可以在工作場所,商業或家庭中使用它們。

麥林·切斯尼主持了這次談話。 。

  1. Quick snap: Chris' voice and pace… and demeanor. It is quite different, than in any other presentations he's done.

    It seems like he's trying to get listeners "off focus" with his snaps, unusually intimidating demeanor and, mostly, his "in-breathing."

    It keeps listeners "off track," from the conversation. It destabilizes the listener, and gains momentum for the speaker. It must be a strategy, not spoken about in the book, against brilliant listeners.

  2. '"You're right," means, "Shut up and go away."' That's stoopid. The assumption that everyone always lies is something a sleazeball like Trump would believe.

  3. Chris: If you get a chance, read a piece titled The Hatchet Man's Playbook – a LOT eye-popping, non-obvious stuff. Can't recommend it highly enough.

  4. I』m learning not to take anything people say or do personally. Instead, I try to read between the lines of what they say and what they don』t say to get an idea of how they feel about me.

  5. Chris Voss is great I had no idea FBI had some nice guys I just thought all cops is dishonest dicks that will say anything on a report to get a conviction all True but chris isn't a Lawman he's a Consultant! He has changed my mind just a lil based off Masterclass but I still Don't let cops near me ever watch yo backs suckas lol

  6. This is a very serious interviewer and very serious audience. I mean, there are many punchlines thrown but there is no reaction or the interviewer's reaction is not what I expect.

  7. Seems like he's purposefully stretching (or maybe just doesn't forgot) the original meaning of 'black swan' – which is an extremely rare and hard to predict event with big negative consequences…every time Voss mentions it, he's describing a point of negotiation leverage, or some hidden information that becomes the fulcrum of an argument.

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