在線人群技術-Unity WebGL x WebSocket演示

我創建了Unity WebGL x WebSocket在線演示,每個人都可以使用瀏覽器在同一地方玩(推薦使用Firefox)。 在線演示:http://hecom.in/lab/crowd-craft-online/ Win:https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7131835/Programs/CrowdCraftOnlineWin.zip Mac:https://dl.dropboxusercontent。 com / u / 7131835 / Programs / CrowdCraftOnlineMac.zip(當前,場景中有很多物體,因此非常沉重)github:https://github.com/hecomi/UWO博客:http://tips.hecomi。 com / entry / 2015/01/01/222954(日語)。

  1. Hi,
    I tried to build a scene from the GitHub project for WebGL but when I launch it, I have the following error in the console:
    ReferenceError: init is not defined
    It's probably from the line 57 of WebSocketSyncServer.cs:

    Would you please know how I could solve this problem ?

  2. I tried your experiment it was such an hell lot of fun !
    meanwhile it didn't load for me neither or more precisely took some time to load but it did load in the end.
    leave tab open went writing a email when I finishing I found one of the tab has your demo so fun.

    You should put instruction for controls btw

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