
嘗試了一切,仍然沒有減肥嗎? 這3個秘訣將幫助您減肥而無需計算卡路里。 單擊此處觀看該系列的其他有用的減肥視頻:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOhAplJXWGc&list=PL0354LBpBMCb105serSCRsPE03GxRbptE **必須觀看有關減肥和減肥的視頻**母狗」 AJ大廚的減肥故事:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbyCJY7AC4k&t=《 Well Your World》對卡路里密度的深入解釋:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = -8WQnTNHbww&t Anthony Lim博士提供的有關卡路里密度和減肥的網路研討會:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJXca-iECEI&t= Doug Lisle博士如何在不失去理智的情況下減肥:https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v = xAdqLB6bTuQ&t =讓您的世界無油低脂我一天所吃的東西:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnSfOKCE0eo Dr. John Mcdougall:使用基於澱粉的低脂飲食治療肥胖:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = _kC5v-_dxaU&t =詹·霍克(Jen Howk)博士-快樂陷阱:為何不減肥:https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrCXY7X5jhg為什麼「 Em 不能吃東西(超級有趣!)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdRhK6JrglQ&t=傑夫·諾維克博士:如何吃得更多,體重減輕和壽命更長(有關卡路里密度的示例! ):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = 0CdwWliv7Hg不用油! 甚至沒有橄欖油:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_o4YBQPKtQ有興趣進行一對一的減肥教練嗎? 電子郵件:[email protected]預約。 每小時$ 99。 該視頻的重點:1.選擇水而不是果汁,含糖咖啡飲料,蘇打水等。您需要纖維和水以保持飽腹感。 2.儘可能多地添加深色的綠葉蔬菜。 它們的卡路里密度非常低,大約每磅100卡。 (並且富含營養!)在湯,蘸醬和米飯中添加蔬菜,這意味著您正在降低餐食的總體卡路里密度。 *提示*買一盒有機的,預先洗凈的菠菜,然後將其倒入餐中! 3.如果您要沉迷於餅乾,蛋糕,糖果等,請挑戰自己先吃一個蘋果。 然後,如果您仍然真的想要垃圾食品-您的消費量可能會比其他情況少很多。 Instagram上的melissaalexandria.com facebook.com/melissaalexandria01 @ melissaalexandria01。

  1. I do enjoy your suggestions because I have been trying to lose weight. However the photos at the beginning of this video are concerning to me. My granddaughter has anorexia and you share a look with her. While much of what you say can help those who need to lose weight; you are not one of those people and that is concerning

  2. Hi @Melissa Alexandria. I'm a new subscriber; this was the first video I tuned into, and I'm so glad to have found you. I adopted this way of eating a while back, and have lost 57+ lbs since 2017. This video explains the 'why' and 'how' so perfectly that I've saved it in my favorites to share with friends who want a better understanding of what I'm doing in my weight loss transformation journey. Thank you ??

  3. I agree that eating more low calorie foods with lots of fibre, water and volume will make you feel more full and physically satiated, but I have trouble also feeling mentally satiated if you know what I mean? I think that satiation can be felt differently in the stomach than in the brain, and for my brain to full satiated it asks sometimes for more calorie dense food. Do you have this too, or do you always feel mentally satiated and never crave any higher calorie foods anymore?

  4. Hey Melissa.. wow really simple easy trips , very informative and helpful.. god bless you and keep sharing your wonderful knowledge.. love you Melissa ???????☘️?

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