
歡迎與扎哈一起發獃,以及扎哈的生平! 賈(Jah)是Youtube上的DISE WITH JORDAN THE LION頻道的聯合主持人。 在自己的頻道上關注他每天古怪的冒險! 對於Jah襯衫和商品:https://merchfive.com/store/jordanthelion。

  1. It is so peaceful watching Jah and the other dogs play and just be. It puts a smile on my face. Especially during such a challenging time. We humans have gotten ourselves in a pickle. We gave a lot to learn from the four leggeds.

  2. Would love to hang out with you guys at the doggie park. Does jah like frisbees? They have little ones for small dogs. I remember the Boston terrier we had long ago loved to chase after his toys. Must be nice to be a bundle of energy. The stuff I could get done! Enjoy the cooler weather,Jordan. All the best,always. ?

  3. Jah is an inspiration when he travels the incline boards. Good exercise for him and the other dogs. I'm going to wear my Jah T-Shirt when I work out.

  4. As I sit here watching JAH those other dogs have no idea that they are in the company of a YouTube Star. JAH you are a sweetheart you made my day.??

  5. Jah is such a cute little sausage dog! It would be funny to add a soundtrack or voices to his videos. The little white dog with the big ears looked like he was saying, "Where did he go? Which way did he go?" Sorry, it's 3 a.m. and I guess I'm getting a little punchy ?

  6. Hi Jordan and Jah! So nice to see the Jahster again! Gotta love this little buddy. It seems that Jah has put on some weight since we last saw him. God Bless you, Jah! 🙂

  7. Jah I have two words that describe you totally awesome you bring a smile to my face and warm to the heart thank you Jordan for sharing him with us stay safe friend

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