指南:將Apex從Origin轉移到Steam 沒有重新下載!

Apex Legends現在可以在Steam上使用了,太好了! 我們如何將現有的Origin遊戲文件從Origin遷移到Steam? 好吧,這非常簡單,在此視頻中,我向您展示了正確的實現方法以及如預期的那樣正常運行的演示。 應該只需要很小的下載就可以更改一些文件。 時間戳:0:00-說明0:30-在原點上更新Apex 0:52-在Steam中創建Apex文件夾1:30-將Apex圖例從原點移動到Steam #ApexLegends #Steam #Transfer ——— ——————–覺得有用嗎? 幫我賺更多! 通過成為會員來支持我:https://youtube.com/channel/UCkih2oVTbXPEpVwE-U7kmHw/join —————————- -通過Ko-Fi直接捐款:https://ko-fi.com/TechNobo遊戲頻道:https://www.YouTube.com/TechNobo網站:https://tcno.co是否需要旁白? 業務查詢? 請與我的公司電子郵件聯繫:TroubleChute(位於tcno.co)該視頻中的所有內容都是我個人的看法和經驗,不應視為專業建議。 始終進行自己的研究,並確保您所做的事情是安全的。 。

  1. I don't recommend you guys move to steam for one reason. On origin, you can change your game properties which will allow you to modify command game argument. If the steam version does not have that, stay with origin.

  2. GUYS I NEED HELP! Please somebody can help me to evitate to download again Steam? I have 200kb/ps wi fi and it will take me 7 days to download… please help me…

  3. Simple. Just go to your game's location. It's usually found at c:/Program Files (x86)/Origin Games/Apex. Then copy it and paste it into your Steam/steamapps/common/ folder. Then rename the Apex folder you just copied to "Apex Legends". Now launch steam, click on install, and select the same folder mentioned above. Steam will start "downloading" the game but in reality is validating the files already on disk to create a launcher. Voila!, you can now launch Apex from Steam.

  4. It… kinda… worked for me: had to download it anyway, but it started at 48%, so you skipped half of the download for me. Thanks! XD

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