指南:将Apex从Origin转移到Steam 没有重新下载!

Apex Legends现在可以在Steam上使用了,太好了! 我们如何将现有的Origin游戏文件从Origin迁移到Steam? 好吧,这非常简单,在此视频中,我向您展示了正确的实现方法以及如预期的那样正常运行的演示。 应该只需要很小的下载就可以更改一些文件。 时间戳:0:00-说明0:30-在原点上更新Apex 0:52-在Steam中创建Apex文件夹1:30-将Apex图例从原点移动到Steam #ApexLegends #Steam #Transfer ——— ——————–觉得有用吗? 帮我赚更多! 通过成为会员来支持我:https://youtube.com/channel/UCkih2oVTbXPEpVwE-U7kmHw/join —————————- -通过Ko-Fi直接捐款:https://ko-fi.com/TechNobo游戏频道:https://www.YouTube.com/TechNobo网站:https://tcno.co是否需要旁白? 业务查询? 请与我的公司电子邮件联系:TroubleChute(位于tcno.co)该视频中的所有内容都是我个人的看法和经验,不应视为专业建议。 始终进行自己的研究,并确保您所做的事情是安全的。 。

  1. I don't recommend you guys move to steam for one reason. On origin, you can change your game properties which will allow you to modify command game argument. If the steam version does not have that, stay with origin.

  2. GUYS I NEED HELP! Please somebody can help me to evitate to download again Steam? I have 200kb/ps wi fi and it will take me 7 days to download… please help me…

  3. Simple. Just go to your game's location. It's usually found at c:/Program Files (x86)/Origin Games/Apex. Then copy it and paste it into your Steam/steamapps/common/ folder. Then rename the Apex folder you just copied to "Apex Legends". Now launch steam, click on install, and select the same folder mentioned above. Steam will start "downloading" the game but in reality is validating the files already on disk to create a launcher. Voila!, you can now launch Apex from Steam.

  4. It… kinda… worked for me: had to download it anyway, but it started at 48%, so you skipped half of the download for me. Thanks! XD

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