
在《大仙女戰爭》中獲得了額外的獎勵,沒有死亡,沒有炸彈(完美凍結),並且捕獲了所有法術和非法術。 包含注釋,但是如果您不希望它們,可以隨時將其關閉。 我喜歡這個階段,儘管我猜我已經玩了那麼多了,現在已經有點厭倦了。 舞台部分的拖拉時間確實太長,但老闆彌補了這一點。 瑪麗莎(Marisa)具有挑戰性,因為她的許多攻擊都具有高度的隨機性。 我想說她是東方最難的Extra Stage老闆之一。 以前我有幾次未參加比賽,所以我很高興並為最終獲得這次未參加比賽而感到欣慰。 另外,我有一些非常幸運的閃避/瘋狂時刻,主要是快要結束了。 。

  1. I don't know why but this stage reminds me so much PC-98 Touhou games… Maybe the background ?
    (sorry, i can't speak english…)

  2. I don't belive thaty people still call Cirno weakest…
    She deafed entire population of fairies and force Marisa to use almost her true power in one game.
    Of course Cirno get nerfed in later games.
    Sorry for my English.

  3. Hmm… does it still count as a no-miss run when you've lost over 8 lives to Marisa's last spellcard? 😉

    At any rate, very nice run. I just cleared it for the first time this week and your video helped a ton figure out tactics I'd missed. Very helpful!

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