IPVanish與NordVPN:全面對比和CLEAR WINNER揭曉| 2021年

Nord獲取NordVPN | 68%OFF OFF https://vpnpro.sale/NordVPN-discount/zrU0IpjHQfM/ IPVanish審查:https://video.vpnpro.com/IPVanish-Review NordVPN和IPVanish都是家喻戶曉的名字。 幾乎所有VPN審查站點在前十名中都具有這兩個位置。?最佳VPN提供商→最高折扣82%?https://video.vpnpro.com/the-best-vpn↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑我的IPVanish和NordVPN的並排概述將告訴您在最重要的類別中哪一個更好。 \ TIMESTAMPS // 0:44 IPVanish與NordVPN:比較隱私和安全功能1:03終止開關1:23 Double VPN如何工作? 1:30洋蔥在VPN上的解釋1:43 NordVPN的基礎是什麼? 1:48 IPVanish的總部在哪裡? 2:19 IPVanish與NordVPN:性能比較2:34 NordLynx協議得到解釋2:44 NordVPN與IPVanish:速度測試3:22 NordVPN是否可以阻止Netflix? 3:31 IPVanish可以解除對Netflix的阻止嗎? 4:01 IPVanish是否具有Chrome瀏覽器擴展程序? 4:21 IPVanish與NordVPN:繞過中國的審查制度5:18比較定價5:44贏家透露當談到安全性時,NordVPN和IPVanish都很棒。 兩種VPN均提供軍用級加密,我們的測試表明,您實際上不必擔心DNS和IP泄漏。 另外,這兩個VPN均已通過外部審核,因此我們知道它們的無日誌策略是真實的。 但是,IPVanish僅提供適用於Mac,Windows和Android操作系統的終止開關,而NordVPN為其所有應用程序(包括移動應用程序)內置了終止開關。 NordVPN還擁有一些多汁的安全性附加功能。 例如,使用雙VPN,您的在線活動將通過兩台伺服器而不是一台進行路由。 藉助基於VPN的Onion,您的互聯網流量將通過其一台伺服器進行路由。 通過洋蔥網路,然後才到達互聯網。 這可以有效地向您的ISP隱藏此活動,並使安全性提高一倍。 公平地說,我要補充一點,IPVanish最近已經易手,新的管理層在改善該VPN的聲譽方面還有很長的路要走。與NordVPN相比,IPVanish有更多可供選擇的國家/地區,但是NordVPN擁有更多的伺服器,並且您知道這意味著什麼嗎? 減少每台伺服器的流量,這意味著更好的性能。 但是,性能方面的最大參與者是NordLynx,它是Nord基於WireGuard的革命性隧道協議。 它比標準的OpenVPN快得多,但同樣安全。 NordVPN和IPVanish都非常適合洪流。 它們不會阻止甚至限制P2P流量,您的洪流活動也不會受到懲罰。在流媒體方面,NordVPN可能是全球互聯網用戶的首選VPN。 它可以解除對Netflix的封鎖,而不僅限於美國圖書館-您可以訪問許多國家的圖書館。 遺憾的是,IPVanish並非如此-它的流媒體選項非常有限。 IPVanish挑戰NordVPN的一個方面是可以同時運行的設備數量。 但是,對於大多數家庭來說,這不會造成什麼問題,因為能夠同時運行6台設備通常綽綽有餘。 像大多數VPN一樣,IPVanish在中國被限制在DNS級別,因此IPVanish小組會提供IP地址以進行直接連接。 這充其量只是短期解決方案。 NordVPN為您提供了通過混淆伺服器進行連接的選項,或者是針對在嚴格限制的國家/地區使用而優化的特殊伺服器列表。 IPVanish的短期訂購價格稍微便宜一些,但NordVPN提供更具成本效益的2至3年套餐。 因此,在這場IPVanish與NordVPN的較量中,似乎IPVanish優於NordVPN的唯一優勢是,您可以同時在IPVanish上運行4個設備。 會員鏈接免責聲明:如果您單擊說明中的鏈接並獲得VPN,我們可能會收取傭金。 話雖如此,我們不能讓品牌決定我們的觀點-如果我們這麼說,那就是我們真正相信的。 通過我們的鏈接購買不會花費您任何額外的費用,事實上,由於折扣,價格可能會更低。 ————————————————– ————–在Twitter上關注我們:https://twitter.com/VPNpro訪問我們的網站:https://video.vpnpro.com/VPNpro ——- ————————————————– ——-。

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  4. I bought my banklog from *Dumpscardingg* on telegram with the easiest cashout method which worked 100% no red flag at all he own me a lot,I also bought some credit card from worth the balance I requested which actually works fine the dude helped me alot with his stuffs work with him guys, I』m earning much already ✅✅

  5. I have been using IPVanish for almost a year noe and it constantly buffers when I'm watch a certain news channel. Everyday around 5:00pm I start to buffer. I have already gone thru all the possible Firestick configurantion and IPVanish trouble tickets with no fix. When I turn off IPVanish no more buffering, turn it back on and buffering starts again. IP vanish cuts my network speed in halve. I have over 500mbps download and it still buffers, bought a brand new TV $2000 and it still buffers, install new modem/router still buffers, install 3 new Firesticks and it stills buffers. It's time to give NordVPN a try and see if that works better.

  6. Ip vanish is brilliant. I'm just dubious on there no logs policy. Not that I'm doing anything wrong. Just wondering if there's logs then no point in having a vpn off them.

    You are selling Nord VPN because you get the months payment off them. That wasn't a comparison. IP vanish has unlimited devices now.

    Terrible video.

  7. I have IPVanish but when I'm streaming a video (TV show or movie) I always have to select a server file that is under 1 gig or the show will start buffer every time. My download speed is around 500mbps download.

  8. Great detail on the two VPNS. I recently bought the NIVIDIS Shield TV PRO and I understand a VPN will allow me access to more sites. I recently tried to install FileLinked and I saw the message "Not Permitted." So I suppose a VPN will help me in instances like that. With all the information you provide on the two VPNS, I know which one is best for me.

  9. Nice nord ad, nord is trash i used it when connected with it i cant even use my browser cvonnection problems nonstop internet stops working and it takes ages to connect and so many problems they are horrible

  10. been using IPVanish for over a year now. They just added a bunch more US servers. It's been great but it seems like they're throttling speeds a lot more than before

  11. I dont noe much about these two but it seems like yur gettin paid by nordvpn ?. This aint a review, it's more like an ad for nordvpn.

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