IPVanish与NordVPN:全面对比和CLEAR WINNER揭晓| 2021年

Nord获取NordVPN | 68%OFF OFF https://vpnpro.sale/NordVPN-discount/zrU0IpjHQfM/ IPVanish审查:https://video.vpnpro.com/IPVanish-Review NordVPN和IPVanish都是家喻户晓的名字。 几乎所有VPN审查站点在前十名中都具有这两个位置。?最佳VPN提供商→最高折扣82%?https://video.vpnpro.com/the-best-vpn↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑我的IPVanish和NordVPN的并排概述将告诉您在最重要的类别中哪一个更好。 \ TIMESTAMPS // 0:44 IPVanish与NordVPN:比较隐私和安全功能1:03终止开关1:23 Double VPN如何工作? 1:30洋葱在VPN上的解释1:43 NordVPN的基础是什么? 1:48 IPVanish的总部在哪里? 2:19 IPVanish与NordVPN:性能比较2:34 NordLynx协议得到解释2:44 NordVPN与IPVanish:速度测试3:22 NordVPN是否可以阻止Netflix? 3:31 IPVanish可以解除对Netflix的阻止吗? 4:01 IPVanish是否具有Chrome浏览器扩展程序? 4:21 IPVanish与NordVPN:绕过中国的审查制度5:18比较定价5:44赢家透露当谈到安全性时,NordVPN和IPVanish都很棒。 两种VPN均提供军用级加密,我们的测试表明,您实际上不必担心DNS和IP泄漏。 另外,这两个VPN均已通过外部审核,因此我们知道它们的无日志策略是真实的。 但是,IPVanish仅提供适用于Mac,Windows和Android操作系统的终止开关,而NordVPN为其所有应用程序(包括移动应用程序)内置了终止开关。 NordVPN还拥有一些多汁的安全性附加功能。 例如,使用双VPN,您的在线活动将通过两台服务器而不是一台进行路由。 借助基于VPN的Onion,您的互联网流量将通过其一台服务器进行路由。 通过洋葱网络,然后才到达互联网。 这可以有效地向您的ISP隐藏此活动,并使安全性提高一倍。 公平地说,我要补充一点,IPVanish最近已经易手,新的管理层在改善该VPN的声誉方面还有很长的路要走。与NordVPN相比,IPVanish有更多可供选择的国家/地区,但是NordVPN拥有更多的服务器,并且您知道这意味着什么吗? 减少每台服务器的流量,这意味着更好的性能。 但是,性能方面的最大参与者是NordLynx,它是Nord基于WireGuard的革命性隧道协议。 它比标准的OpenVPN快得多,但同样安全。 NordVPN和IPVanish都非常适合洪流。 它们不会阻止甚至限制P2P流量,您的洪流活动也不会受到惩罚。在流媒体方面,NordVPN可能是全球互联网用户的首选VPN。 它可以解除对Netflix的封锁,而不仅限于美国图书馆-您可以访问许多国家的图书馆。 遗憾的是,IPVanish并非如此-它的流媒体选项非常有限。 IPVanish挑战NordVPN的一个方面是可以同时运行的设备数量。 但是,对于大多数家庭来说,这不会造成什么问题,因为能够同时运行6台设备通常绰绰有余。 像大多数VPN一样,IPVanish在中国被限制在DNS级别,因此IPVanish小组会提供IP地址以进行直接连接。 这充其量只是短期解决方案。 NordVPN为您提供了通过混淆服务器进行连接的选项,或者是针对在严格限制的国家/地区使用而优化的特殊服务器列表。 IPVanish的短期订购价格稍微便宜一些,但NordVPN提供更具成本效益的2至3年套餐。 因此,在这场IPVanish与NordVPN的较量中,似乎IPVanish优于NordVPN的唯一优势是,您可以同时在IPVanish上运行4个设备。 会员链接免责声明:如果您单击说明中的链接并获得VPN,我们可能会收取佣金。 话虽如此,我们不能让品牌决定我们的观点-如果我们这么说,那就是我们真正相信的。 通过我们的链接购买不会花费您任何额外的费用,事实上,由于折扣,价格可能会更低。 ————————————————– ————–在Twitter上关注我们:https://twitter.com/VPNpro访问我们的网站:https://video.vpnpro.com/VPNpro ——- ————————————————– ——-。

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  4. I bought my banklog from *Dumpscardingg* on telegram with the easiest cashout method which worked 100% no red flag at all he own me a lot,I also bought some credit card from worth the balance I requested which actually works fine the dude helped me alot with his stuffs work with him guys, I’m earning much already ✅✅

  5. I have been using IPVanish for almost a year noe and it constantly buffers when I'm watch a certain news channel. Everyday around 5:00pm I start to buffer. I have already gone thru all the possible Firestick configurantion and IPVanish trouble tickets with no fix. When I turn off IPVanish no more buffering, turn it back on and buffering starts again. IP vanish cuts my network speed in halve. I have over 500mbps download and it still buffers, bought a brand new TV $2000 and it still buffers, install new modem/router still buffers, install 3 new Firesticks and it stills buffers. It's time to give NordVPN a try and see if that works better.

  6. Ip vanish is brilliant. I'm just dubious on there no logs policy. Not that I'm doing anything wrong. Just wondering if there's logs then no point in having a vpn off them.

    You are selling Nord VPN because you get the months payment off them. That wasn't a comparison. IP vanish has unlimited devices now.

    Terrible video.

  7. I have IPVanish but when I'm streaming a video (TV show or movie) I always have to select a server file that is under 1 gig or the show will start buffer every time. My download speed is around 500mbps download.

  8. Great detail on the two VPNS. I recently bought the NIVIDIS Shield TV PRO and I understand a VPN will allow me access to more sites. I recently tried to install FileLinked and I saw the message "Not Permitted." So I suppose a VPN will help me in instances like that. With all the information you provide on the two VPNS, I know which one is best for me.

  9. Nice nord ad, nord is trash i used it when connected with it i cant even use my browser cvonnection problems nonstop internet stops working and it takes ages to connect and so many problems they are horrible

  10. been using IPVanish for over a year now. They just added a bunch more US servers. It's been great but it seems like they're throttling speeds a lot more than before

  11. I dont noe much about these two but it seems like yur gettin paid by nordvpn ?. This aint a review, it's more like an ad for nordvpn.

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