扎克·斯奈德(Jack Snyder)的正義聯盟-官方預告片的反應和崩潰

看看我們對扎克·斯奈德(Jack Snyder)的《正義聯盟》(Justice League)的預告片反應,該電影將於3月18日登陸HBO Max。繼由斯奈德(Snyder)發起,喬斯·惠頓(Joss Whedon)完成的《正義聯盟》(Justice League)劇場版發布之後,這是對最初構想和故事的回歸。電影。 這部歷時4小時的史詩通過全新的鏡頭講述了類似的故事,並將首次亮相一些粉絲最喜歡的DC角色。 布魯斯·韋恩(Bruce Wayne)在恢復對人類的信念的推動下,在超人的無私行為的啟發下,邀請新成立的盟友黛安娜·普林斯(Diana Prince)面臨更大的威脅。 蝙蝠俠和神奇女俠一起迅速招募了一支隊伍來對抗這個剛醒來的敵人。 儘管形成了前所未有的英雄聯盟-蝙蝠俠,神奇女俠,海王,機器人和閃電俠-要拯救這個星球免受災難性襲擊的襲擊可能為時已晚。 ?訂閱:https://bit.ly/SubHeroesReforged⚙️啟用所有推送通知?加入我們的Discord:https://discord.gg/FQK2VCP3Cq?發簡訊給我們:https://my.community.com/adamhlavac?訪問獨家優惠: http://patreon.com/heroesreforged?關注英雄改制Twitter:http://twitter.com/heroesreforged Instagram:http://instagram.com/heroesreforged Facebook:http://facebook.com/heroesreforged?關注團隊亞當·赫拉瓦克(Adam Hlavac):http://twitter.com/adamhlavac赫克托·納瓦羅(Hector Navarro):http://twitter.com/hectorisfunny阿古斯丁·里奧斯(Agustin Rios):http://twitter.com/el_santotaco?聽播客播客:http://anchor.fm / heroesreforged蘋果:https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/heroes-reforged/id1315486440 Spotify:https://open.spotify.com/show/0mClcvioNSVGcyDpqlBvYD?si = VSxzMIADQ6GWuaVNBjmLsw由Chris Zabrisk許可知識共享署名4.0許可。 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/來源:http://chriszabriskie.com/divider/藝術家:http://chriszabriskie.com/。

  1. i dont mind if movies are interconnected… i love to see directors and writers make his own vision about characters, without thinking about an universe and connections. in my opinion, that place is where the best comics were made, if WB could make that in cinema could be great; the interconnected thing is already working for the red brand.

  2. What if Snyder is giving us JL and JL 2 in one movie? or at least part of JL2 thrown in here. I dont remember if the original movie was suppose to be 4 hrs but id bet not. That leaves a LOT of room for adding story. Idk. just a thought.

  3. Excuse me, there is a new movie called the Lady of Heaven, which will be released this year 2021, and its trailer has been published. I would like to see your reaction to it and what do you think of its trailer, thank you.

  4. is everyone just going to ignore that hector spent years talking down to snyder cut supporters and that he campaigned for the snyder cut to not see the light of day? okay

  5. Joss only used about 15 min of Zacks footage. and Zack has 4 hrs of footage – that 3 hours and 45 min of unseen footage for BASICALLY a different film, as joss wrote a 90 page script

  6. @HeroesReforged Hector, "100% no compromise" was tweeted by Zack, well after his tragedy which he then tweeted "compromised film" or something like that… But lolz on "I'm going to bait him to Gotham Harbor, it's vacated" esc. lines. Ask for forgiveness, not permission via Committees messing with what the fans want & Snyder wants to deliver. It is an "R" rated film after all Junkie XL has some contacts w/ whoever allowed Deadpool to be rated R at Fox and hooked it up LMAO…

  7. It's been confirmed, ComicMovieMarks YT channel explains what's happening very well, This is not a "culdesac", and much more as far as plan layout. Not one and done, end is certainly leaving clear directions to move forward (Kevin Smith)… Zack's plan is somewhere in there… yet to be seen. But order of his interviews and Justice Con. Illustrate a completely other path. money invested for a one and done? Zack explaining how the layers of cuts, his whole 4 hour move, not finished in post etc etc.

  8. I can say this without a shadow of a doubt that if Zack had full control of BVS half the city would be wrecked and it would be fcking awesome, never understood why people get so touchy about distruction in a movie…its a freaking movie and if beings like this existed you bet there'd be distruction.

  9. Considering the DCEU's track record, I don't know if I can sit down for 4 straight hours for the Snyder Cut SMH #BladderTime

    I almost hope this version of JL isn't received well since Snyder had no interest of following up = That's fine if they don't want fans' ? for DC Content…but don't get mad that Marvel gets it b/c they know what they're doing!!!

  10. The score being completely different is going to add a whole other layer to how different this movie feels. I don』t think people realize that yet.

  11. I'm tired of this poor Zack Snyder. Zack was not just hired to do this one DC film. He directed 'Man of Steel' that wasn't beloved by all, but good enough to get WB's ok to do Batman vs. Superman. He was given freedom to playout his vision. I can still visualize leaving the theater after watching it, feeling so disappointed. I wasn't the only! So you had WB, who had already had Zack deep in filming Justice League deciding to readjust their plans for a film they had already spent hundreds of millions on. So now the narrative is that the reason 'Justice League' failed was only because WB got involved. Please. Snyder shares the blame equally. And this was not the first time a studio has gotten involved during the production of one of their films. With both good and bad results.
    Now we have this Snyder cut. I hope it's good. But I'm concerned. Four hours people. It was going to be a two to three hour film, then a four part series of one hour episodes. And now a FOUR hour film. Each of those three options require deferent pacing and given the fact that the final layout kept changing how can this film be paced well? I hear the reason we are getting it at once is so WB only has to do one payout and not four payouts. So I'm going in hopeful but worried. And part of that worry is that in three DC films Snyder still has not really impressed me yet.

  12. I will make it simple for everybody Zack Snyder had a trilogy going man of steel Batman versus superman and Zack Snyder』s justice league they all connect perfectly from beginning to end

  13. No way only 30 minutes of footage in JL was Snyder's. He got director credit, so he had to do about 80-85% of the production according to DGA.

  14. Does anyone really expect this to be any good after the disappointing Man of Steel and the even more disappointing BVS (and yes the directors cut on that too) from Synder!?

    DC will never be able to create an expanded and connected universe (that works) of their characters due to the company executives/structure at WB. So they're better off just concentrating on creating a one-off or at the most trilogy-based movies based on a single character.

    Really hoping that someone can create a definitive modern Superman movie!

    P.S. Love your insightful thoughts guy!

  15. Man of Steel
    Batman V Superman (Ultimate Edition)
    Suicide Squad (Ayer Cut)
    Wonder Woman
    Justice League (Snyder Cut)
    Birds of Prey
    Wonder Woman 1984
    Hearing comments from each of the directors it doesn』t sound like any of these versions of the films would contradict each other so far. Aquaman was always meant to follow Snyder』s JL, Ayer said his cut of Squad plays right into BOP, Zack is a head producer on both WW films and Shazam just acknowledges that the DCEU version of these characters exist in its world and that they are well known and have saved the world

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