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  1. interesting to know learn that she is a film professional herself, not a per se interpreter translator. English amazing, Koreans please comment on how accurate her translation interpretation was. For everybody do you prefer foreign films with subtitles supertitles or dubbed?,

  2. Shout-out to the translator on her hard work! Loved that the last reporter asked about her background and Bong got to brag about her for a moment.

  3. I remember watching it for the first time and felt sad it didnt got the attention it deserved like train to busan initially. Then it got huuuuge ! I hope he never stops making hit movies and can express himself through his work.

    Bong joon ho fighting!

  4. As my best friend said that night
    "Roma walked so Parasite could run".
    His comments on Netflix and the one inch barrier subtitles reminded me on how Roma should have won feature film and Cold War should've won the international one.

  5. His answer about finding universality in his most specific experiences really resonated with me. Movies would be so much more varied and compelling if more writers shared this view.

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