Nintendo Switch清晰版! -DIY透明开关

是时候让Nintendo Switch清除了!

将Nintendo Switch外壳透明化是一个很大的工程,但是可以将主体变成透明的塑料。一次一颗螺丝。很高兴能够看到交换机内部并看到正在使用的技术。

您是否认为任天堂应该像使用旧版Gameboy一样开始重新设置其游戏机?您会为您的Nintendo Switch做这个项目吗?




对于由于该视频中包含的任何信息而造成的财产损失或伤害,JerryRigEverything不承担任何责任。 JerryRigEverything建议在使用电动工具,汽车升降机,举升工具,千斤顶支架,电气设备,钝器,化学药品,润滑剂,昂贵的电子产品或此视频中看到或暗示的任何其他工具或设备时的安全做法。由于JerryRigEverything无法控制的因素,该视频中包含的任何信息均不构成对任何特定结果的任何明示或暗示的担保或保证。因不当使用这些工具,设备或此视频中包含的信息而导致的任何伤害,损害或损失,由用户而非JerryRigEverything承担全部责任。仅在您可以对结果承担个人责任(无论好坏)时,才尝试自己维修。 。

  1. Just finished changing the shell of my switch! This video is definitely very helpful and I totally recommend if you want to change your switch’s outer shell

  2. Would anyone be able to help? I did a mod and now my right joy con isn't being recognized? Like it makes the noise and the color pops up on side but the icon on the bottom left just shows my right joy con as no present.

  3. Jerry can you give me a nitendo svich im poor i mean i have a house but my dad bearly makes 10 dolars a day and my grany is so sick can you pls give a nitendo svich and my granpa give me this samsung s 3 and he past away pls can you

  4. I have a problem that i need help with right joycon wont charge and it somtimes connects to my switch .would anyone have an idea what the problem is ?

  5. So I put this housing on and it wasn’t to difficult, but on the left joycon the minus and the photo button I can barely press because it’s not sticking out far enough. Any suggestions on how to fix that?

  6. I changed a joycon myself but somehow it's not lighting up anymore and separate it, the sensor's not working. Please, how can I fix it?

  7. would have been nice to mention the buttons on the rail. You have grey joycons so it doesn't matter but I changed my blue&red into translucent green and it would have been very weird with red&blue side buttons…others that are heavily relying on the video for instructions can easily overlook that. thankfully I am a tinkerer and only needed the video as a screw/order guide.

    that said, i need to reopen my left joycon anyway… i think my minus button isn't seated correct as it feels more mushy than my plus button. and I dropped and thought I lost an original screw and used an included spare screw but then I found the original and want to go back and swap it or ill never stop thinking about the 1 chinese screw mixed with the nintendo screws…

    for those who asked……

  8. Got the same clear shell and turned out great! This is the first handheld or console I have ever opened and boy was I nervous but this guide was great. Took me a couple of hours. Would recommend.

  9. This video was perfect and it helped me get my joycons replaced within a bit over an hour on my first try. A few recommendations for people:
    -take your time! Better to have a joycon that works even if it takes hours than to rush through it and break all the delicate wires
    -I recommend you buy a separate set of tools even if the shells you buy come with them. Usually the ones that come with the shells are cheap and I promise you'll strip the screws. Also sets come with tweezers and prying tools that will make all this so much easier
    -remember that the ribbon cables have locks on all of them!! Don't try to yank or shove any wires without checking the switches first. And when putting the wires back make sure to relock everything so it's secure
    -like was said in the video, keep track of all your screws because God are they tiny and easy to lose. Hopefully the shells you purchase will have spares like mine did, but it's best to use the originals if you can
    -I know I already said to take your time but I'm serious. ESPECIALLY on the right joycon. The ribbon wires are at awkward positions and it's easy to pull to hard and rip one. Learned this the hard way when trying to put back the zr ribbon wire. Ripped it and now I gotta get a new one. My fault, of course. Every other button works perfectly fine
    -don't try to pull anything out if it's not budging. You will break something and regret it.
    -follow the video exactly and you should be just fine
    Other than that feel free to ask me anything. It's my first time doing anything like this but maybe I can answer some simple questions

  10. So I do the joycons fine. But for some reason…CANNOT get the screws off the side of the console. Have tried like 3 different phillips screwdrivers. All of them are like glued in. It is crazy.

  11. Hello I was wondering if you could do the joycons for my son he thinks it’s pretty hard And he doesn’t want to wreck his switch joy cons reply if your up for it

  12. Don’t do it!!!
    I wanted this mod to have a d-pad setup on my left joycon. Even though I have lots of experience fixing a lot of phones, I found this project very difficult due to the flimsy ribbon cables never wanting to go into place. I even broke a screw because of how cheap the material was.
    Do yourself a favor and just buy a pre-made one, else you risk breaking it if you don’t have the right tools and experience.

  13. all devices should come with a clear option, looks so great.. they used to always do this with electronics when i was a kid.. looks so cool

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