




概念:最佳ADC 10.6,最佳支持10.6,最佳中路10.6,最佳打野者10.6,最佳顶部车手10.6补丁10.6失败,10.6大声笑,10.6更改,传送增强buff 10.6,死亡之舞重做10.6,死亡之舞buff 10.6,漏斗nerf 10.6 ,塞纳(Senna)神经10.6,阿弗里奥斯(Aphelios)神经10.6,加伦(Garen)神经10.6,达里乌斯(Darius)神经10.6,沙可神经(Laco)神经10.6,索拉卡(Soraka)增益10.6,阿尼维亚(Anivia)增强10.6,纳瑟斯(Nasus)增强10.6,乌尔特(Urgot)增强10.6,凯恩(Kayn)增强10.6,血色10。增益10.6,维加(Veigar)增益10.6,德拉文(Raven)增益10.6,摩根(Morgana)增益10.6,品牌(Buff)增益10.6,品牌丛林10.6,齐拉(Zyra)增益10.6,齐拉(Zyra)丛林10.6,摩根(Morgana)增益10.6,摩根(Morgana)10.6,沉(shen)增益10.6,沉(丛林)10.6,TEemo增益(10.6) ,Teemo丛林10.6,Yorick爱好者10.6,Yorick丛林10.6,格斗游戏,防暴游戏战斗机游戏,英雄联盟FPS游戏,英雄联盟射击游戏,防暴游戏射击游戏,防暴游戏FPS游戏,防暴游戏交易纸牌游戏,联赛传奇纸牌游戏,Runeter的传奇ra,防暴游戏动漫,英雄联盟动漫,英雄联盟手机,大声笑手机,Teamfight战术手机,英雄联盟电竞经理,英雄联盟MMORPG,防暴游戏MMORPG,Fiddlesticks重做,Volibear重做,Senna,新冠军Senna,团队战斗战术,永恒者哈哈,防暴游戏永恒者

概念:最佳ADC 10.7,最佳支持10.7,最佳中路10.7,最佳打野者10.7,最佳顶部车手10.7补丁10.7失败,10.7大声笑,10.7更改,调节神经10.5,相冲增益10.7,悟空神经10.7,夜曲神经10.7, Garen nerfs 10.7,Nasus增益10.7,Galio增益10.7,Riven增益10.7,Ivern增益10.7,Akali增益10.7,Kaisa增益10.7,Corki增益10.7,XIn Zhao增益10.7,Fiddlesticks重做,Fiddlesticks重做10.7,





Anthony“ 5mi” Hong:https://twitter.com/its5mi
艾丹·“ Zirene”月亮:https://twitter.com/Zirene

#tierlist #proguides#联盟#Season10 #leagueoflegends #riotgames

  1. Yuumi is by far the worst designed champ in the game. I will dodge if I get one for my support because I don't like going 0/10 in laning phase, and I hate getting her on the enemy team because she just goes on the Olaf or Senna or whatever champ is op and there is nothing to do. She is the most braindead champion in the game, and is op in pro play as well. Yuumi should be removed, the only good thing is going her in one for all.

  2. I like fun characters. That’s why I like Ivern and braum. I also like champs that take some learning to get good at. Hence gangplank and karma. And I’m looking forward to fiddle, not because he’s stronger. But he just looks epic

  3. Playtester: this champion is fun to play against and every time you die it's because you made a mistake or he was better than you. He isn't the strongest but also not the weakest, lets keep him that way.


  4. Riot plan has a big flaw and they kinda forget that…People are attached to what they used to play with, so reeleasing a champ and gutting her power out or remaking her kit (poor akali) will led to let players angry and sad, also, they should already have seem those stats they claim about the champ on the pre prodcution and on PBE.

  5. and then we have aphelios, a champ so broken you dont have to learn how to play him (that much) too win, so he ends up with like 5 nerfs in a row and still beeing stupid

  6. Coming form League of Legends to Rainbow 6 Siege, i feel this balancing philosophy. They release new operators "balanced', and rarely have a chance to grow a playbase to impact the meta.

  7. I definitely can understand the reasoning behind the method, maybe lock the new champ out of ranked for the first few weeks then? That way it creates an environment where people can adjust to the new champion and riot can really gauge their full potential as you’re saying without absolutely destroying solo queue for a few weeks. The method you described is actually really smart for getting ahead of disgustingly op picks. But fails in their efforts to keep the game somewhat balanced especially in solo queue, if they limited sett to strictly normals for a week or two we may have gotten to skip past the soul crushing “oh sett just 1v5’d for the third time with one damage item”. I think that riot seems to be on the right track but tweaking the system a bit in an effort to keep all the game modes fun and engaging would be nice. It feels AWFUL to get destroyed by the new champ because someone on your team just dies a million times due to a lack of understanding. Then you get steamrolled because the champ is already overtuned and basically has no counter play anymore due to the feeder. Sett was the perfect example of this system failing to encompass just how OP the new champ could be. It felt like they just took the highest values they could for his stats threw them on there and said let’s see how this goes. Maybe toning back the numbers just a touch on release would help as well.

  8. The reason is money. "New" and "Overpowered" can easily translate to "easy rush on skin and champion sales".

    If Riot are set on their traditional cash grab with every release and re-release, then maybe the Public *BETA* Environment should be used more to avoid the disappointing releases that even Riot fails to turn into initial cash cows?

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