
用ole zap双手击打它们-诚实拖车的诚实拖车|星球大战:天行者的崛起!



语音旁白:乔恩·贝利(Jon Bailey)又名史诗般的语音男
制作人:Spencer Gilbert,Joe Starr,Dan Murrell和Max Dionne
编辑:凯文·威廉森(Kevin Williamsen)
后期制作主管:Emin Bassavand
生产协调员:Ryan O“ Toole


  1. Wow guys, it almost like you all find your balls and were honest about a Disney star wars movie!! Well done four years later, but still have a cookie!

  2. after 3 feature length movies lasting roughly 429 minutes of screen time… can anybody find just 4 seconds of screen time with Rey's mouth closed? I bet it's not possible.


    Remember when they tried to pull that one. Oh and the famous "there is no source material" from galaxy brain Kathleen Kennedy. F'ed up one the most amazing IPs to ever come out of the west

  4. I have a theory I made up. What if Rey's father is a clone of Luke Skywalker based on his chopped off hand in episode 5. Kylo Ren and emperor Palpatine lied to rey that he is her grandfather in order to kill the last Jedi

  5. If you forget about the previous 8 movies this one is ok to watch lol. I like to think of This Disney trilogy like Anakin and obi was talking about how Anakin has saved his skin for the tenth time. This Disney trilogy doesn’t count.

  6. man i really wish this one was also somewhat controversial like the other two sequels. i really wanted jon bailey and gannon nickell arguing again.

    or maybe.. instead of saying "…hastily executed mess that managed to the impossible: unite fans who loved the last jedi, and fans who hated the last jedi by pleasing none of them" at the end, you could have started with a dialogue like this:

    (phone dialing)
    – yes?
    + hey original honest trailer voice. epic voice guy here. wanna do the honest trailer for the rise of skywalker together?
    – nah, i'm pretty sure we both hate the movie equally. no need to bother this time.
    + yeah, that's fair. well it was nice while it lasted. see ya!
    – and i still hate you for distracting me last time

    could've been fun!!

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