
等待您的笑声讲述了娱乐界最长的活跃职业故事。 Rose Marie不仅在“ The Dick Van Dyke Show”上扮演Sally Rogers,在“ Hollywood Squares”上扮演着中心广场的角色,还参与了演艺圈的各个方面。她四岁时是“电波的宠儿”,并继续在杂耍表演,维加斯,百老汇,电影,电视,剧院,音乐厅和夜总会工作。一路上,她被暴民称为“孩子”。她叫Al Capone,Al叔叔,在拉斯维加斯为Bugsy Seigel开了火烈鸟,并受到“男孩”的保护和抚养。她的朋友包括最好的演艺界人士:弗兰克·辛纳屈,迪恩·马丁,约翰尼·默瑟,杰里·刘易斯,约翰尼·卡森,吉米·杜兰特,米尔顿·伯尔,多丽丝·戴,罗斯玛丽·克鲁尼,玛格丽特·怀廷和宾·克罗斯比等等!歌迷不为人知,这位一直在寻找男人的女人实际上是为了爱自己一生而结婚了将近20年,而鲍比·盖伊(Bobby Guy)是业内最好的号手之一。她的朋友彼得·马歇尔(Peter Marshall),卡尔·雷纳(Carl Reiner),迪克·范戴克(Dick Van Dyke)和蒂姆·康威(Tim Conway)讲述了他过世的经历以及对“让你发笑的人”的影响。 。

  1. Transcript (I couldn't identify all of the voices):
    Voice 1: Believe me when I tell you, she's the history of show business.
    Carl Reiner: Every phase of entertainment for literally 87 years.
    Voice 2: Paved her own way.
    Dick Van Dyke: She was no pushover, that's for sure.
    Carl: Was she stubborn? Was she sweet all the time? Was she a pain in the ass? She was all of those things.
    Tim Conway: The minute she was born, the doctor slapped her, and she started singing.
    Voice 3: She was a star at four.
    Peter Marshall: The biggest singing star in America.
    Voice 3: Before Shirley Temple was even born.
    Dick: She didn't sound like a little girl.
    Carl: Somebody put the wrong box in there or…
    Dick: Once in awhile, she would mention some of the tough guys she knew back then.
    Peter: Working for the mob. The so-called mob.
    Noopy: They treated her like a daughter.
    Dick: She opened the Flamingo for Bugsy Siegel.
    Ruthie: She was crazy in love with him. And he was crazy in love with her. And there was a lot of problems.
    Dick: She developed a well-rounded character and everybody loved Sally.
    Carl: That show was surrounded with guys.
    Dick: And we made jokes about the fact that nobody took into account that she was a lady.
    Tim: Here was this woman fighting for her position in the show and in real life.
    Carl: They didn't move like their age.
    Noopy: And they were sold out.
    Voice 4: They were rock stars.
    Ruthie: And what was going on backstage? Chaos.
    Noopy: Any performer is good as their last show. And she's never stopped working. Ever. In her case, it's a drug, it's something she has to do.
    Peter: You can't be in the business all your life without being tough.
    Ruthie: And she's the only one left.
    Peter: Rose Marie.
    Tim: Rose Marie.
    Noopy: Rose Marie.
    Carl: Rose Marie.
    Rose Marie: Can I tell you this story? Are you rolling? God love you. God love you.

  2. "She's the only one left". Well, not quite: we still have Betty White, although Betty's career has basically been in television. But still, both women are icons and deserved to be celebrated.

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