
1862年,敢死队的气球飞行员阿米莉亚·雷恩(Felicity Jones)与开创性的气象学家詹姆斯·格莱舍尔(埃迪·雷德梅恩(Eddie Redmayne))合作,增进了人类对天气的了解,并飞越了历史上任何人。在打破记录并推进科学发现的过程中,他们的航行到了生命的最边缘,这帮助不太可能的一对找到自己在世界中所占的位置,而他们已经远远落后于他们。但是,随着上升成为生存之战,他们在稀薄的空气中面临着身体和情感上的挑战。

费利西蒂·琼斯(Felicity Jones)和埃迪·雷德梅恩(Eddie Redmayne)在杰克·索恩(Jack Thorne)创作的惊心动魄的戏剧中重聚。成立于1862年的《航空兵》追随了富有的年轻寡妇阿米莉亚·雷恩(Jones)和顽强的科学家詹姆斯·格莱舍(Redmayne),他们展开了一次热气球探险,飞得比历史上任何人都要高。这是一条通往生存边缘的旅程,那里空气稀薄,生存机会渺茫。当他们危险的攀爬揭示出他们真正的自我时,这对不可能的夫妇发现了彼此之间以及彼此之间的事物,这有助于他们每个人在自己所落后的世界中找到自己的位置。

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  1. Pity it was a bloke and not a woman talk about rewriting history what a disgrace for his family. If this is the modern world you can keep it. What's up don't you have a famous woman to write about. You have to steal a guys bravery.

  2. I experienced a rather uncomfortable fear of heights because of some of the scenes in this movie ..
    I guess I better stay on the ground.

  3. The movie might be good, just don’t understand why they pic Eddie Redmayne as an actor, I spect much more from him, but he always act making a stupid face, is he like that or why all the movies where he act I really feel he makes himself look like dunce even when he said smart things. I find him handsome in some of the shots, but I don’t think he is a good actor. This is my point of view. BTW that makes the movie boring even with all the good photography editions

  4. This was pretty scary to me; just like when I watched Gravity, I had the sensation that I was about to fall out of my seat.

  5. i loved this a lot. some movies don’t need worldchanging extraordinary plot, it’s the characters and dialogues that were fascinating.

  6. This film was made for political reasons and not to preserve the beauty of history.
    There is a difference between taking liberties because of narrative reasons and changing history all together. No one wants to watch a film based on true events in the end getting an alternate history of what happened. It was 2 men not a man and a woman. This was a really interesting time in history but I can't add it to my collection because of this easily avoidable mistake.

  7. This movie is so good, I just watched it recently with my parents, and I just loved it, I would watch it again, it's one of my new favorite movie's now, lol?❤

  8. Just imagine being Coxwell, a few moments before your death, thinking you lived a meaningful life and that you have left your mark in history, only for some Hollywood leftist SJW hypocrite to decide to turn you into a woman just so he can spread his liberal/feminist bullshit agenda all over the world….

  9. Lets replace men with women in biographical films because you know, if we dont we are sexist! lets also throw in an Indian in VICTORIAN England (lmao) just so we can tick off the racist box in our checklist. Also dont forget to throw in a line every 5 minutes belittling women, only to prove them how strong women are. 2020 filmmaking and script writing at its finest! Cant wait for the new Easter holidays films where Jesus is replaced by a female and Mary is a black transgender… good times ahead!

  10. I hate how only people in the US can watch it. I don't have money for a vpn and wasn't able to watch it in a movie theatre. I have searched EVERYWHERE for a dvd but i just can't find it.

  11. I just got done watching this, and it was only pretty good. The problem with it that made it only 'pretty good' is
    because it suffered from 'flashback syndrome'. Just when the story is getting exciting, then suddenly it goes into a flashback which takes you out of the experience, and you lose all interest. This movie would have been GREAT if they would have just started at the beginning of the story and told it straightforward, letting the expectation and the characters build. Flashback Syndrome is a current problem with Hollywood productions lately, and it is a serious problem. Can't ANYONE in Hollywood make a movie anymore and just start at the beginning and tell the story??

  12. Okay, the woke-ness of Hollywood has gone off the rails. I can accept, to a limited extent, adjusting historical films to make them more interesting or exciting, but come on, substituting a woman for a man because it is nice to have women in historical roles is asinine. It was also ridiculous to have a man or a woman climb a rope ladder to the top of the balloon at 37000 feet in subzero temperatures and oxygen deprivation. If you want to portray a women in an important role in this movie why not have the wife of the main character play the critical role that she did in helping him reach his goals. Or even better make a movie about the daring women who actually piloted balloons in the first half of the eighteen hundreds.

    I wonder when they are going to make a movie about the all female battalion that stormed the beaches at Normandy. It would be really good to show strong women in historical roles on D-Day. What about that pilot who led the Doolittle raid … what was her name? Oh yes, Amelia Doolittle I think.

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