



进入《命运2》的免费游戏世界,体验反应迅速的第一人称射击游戏,探索我们太阳系的奥秘,并释放强大的元素来对抗强大的敌人。创建您的《卫报》并收集独特的武器,盔甲和装备,以自定义外观和游戏风格。独自或与朋友一起体验命运2的电影故事,与其他守护者一起挑战合作任务,或以各种PvP模式与他们竞争。 。

  1. ah yes, an event that will just be more bounties to do and Bungie will make sure only the eververse shop is filled up with stuff

  2. I will never play this game again after I grind so hard to get the Luna’s then they nerf it plus do raids so many times and never to get the weapons at the end

  3. This looks SICK and cant wait! ?? ps: if anyone is bored of watching the same youtubers over and over again during this quarantine, consider checking out my channel and maybe even subscribing. Would be appreciated!

  4. To anyone wondering what class is likely going to win, while i wont state my own opinion, guardian.gg tracks subclass popularity in pvp and some pve.

    For pvp the list in order from most used to least is: Nightstalker (BY FAR), striker, gunslinger, arcstrider, stormcaller, voidwalker, sunbreaker and sentinel.

    For raids, since they only track that, the list is: gunslinger, dawnblade (almost tied but above all others by a mile), sentinel, nightstalker, striker, stormcaller, voidwalker, arcstrider, sunbreaker.

    Tl;Dr sorry warlocks ya'll are fucked.

  5. "zavala's way of bringing us together"

    Day 3 of guardian games. I have infiltrated the Titan barracks to learn there strategy by beginning to eat large amounts of crayons. I dont think they suspect anything, but this cant go on for much longer. All they do is eat colored wax and punch each other, and now they want me to take a turn boxing shaxx.

  6. I wish destiny would do pictures of every class and every sub class doing their supers. It would be cool to have a picture/screenshot of the hunter wearing the full frumious set and doing the blade barrage super.

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