拯救我们的月亮发射预告片| PlayStation 4和Xbox One

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由Unreal®Engine 4提供动力的“拯救我们”月球位于世界末日附近,地球上的资源已经枯竭,人类仰望星空。各国共同创建了世界太空总署-一个负责解决极端能源危机的组织。解决方案:殖民和开发月球的He-3天然储备,以满足不断增长的地球人口的能源需求。突然,在没有任何警告的情况下,与月球的通信中断,能量源丢失了。陷入黑暗而没有权力的世界已经过去了许多年,世界各国政府再次团结起来开始一项新任务-重新建立能源供应,并为人类带来希望。

#PlayStation4 #XboxOne #OutNow #XboxGamePass #WiredProductions。

  1. Thanks for giving me a chance to enter the giveaway, as soon as i have some money to spare, i will try this game, right now is a hard time for me and i cant waste any money besides food and bills, cya guys!

  2. The game is fun so far, but you guys really fucked over and lied to your backers about the Xbox release; maybe you should deliver what was promised instead of making up excuses.

  3. When the execution of a game is so well done that it transcends game-ness, and it becomes an experience to remember – well. That is what the game medium should be. Much, much too often, it is never close to that. But that is what you did here. Just like in skilled hands, canvas and paint can be combined art, so too, in skilled hands polygons and code can become art. You do not create mere games, but art.

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