刺客信条:瓦尔哈拉:开发人员评论预告片|育碧 [NA]

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刺客信条:瓦尔哈拉:开发人员评论预告片|育碧 [NA]

  1. This is the first trailer, in a very long time, to give me chills throughout. I've been fascinated with Norse lore/mythology since I was young, so seeing this brought the kid out in me. Really excited for this game!

  2. Why they make Alfred the Great the antagonist? He was a good man and good king. What's wrong these people? I'll give them the benefit of the doubt until its out, but I'm worried.

  3. You know it's directed by Ashraf Ismail when your main character is made officially an Assassin towards the end of the game and/or has a new outlook on life.

  4. Are you all intrigued by this time in England and the viking invasion? I highly recommend “The Last Kingdom”. Takes place during the reign of Alfred the Great, and will truly make you fall in love with the Saxons and the Danes. They just released their 4th season on Netflix, check it out!

  5. where is the stealth? wasn't it the first rule ?? Where is the history connected between the present, the past of the Isu and the historical? this is no longer Assassin's Creed. What a disappointment, money matters more than the canon and its true fans

  6. They didn't specifically say that King Alfred the Great was a part of the Order of Ancients. I do not see how historically they can make him the bad guy. Vikings were the ones invading and fighting, so King Alfred was very defensive wanting to protect his people.

  7. Hmmm, a lot of ahistorical content. And yes I know it's Assassin's creed and not a documentary, but I guarantee the first thing that will flash up on the screen will be "inspired by real historical events" or some shite.

  8. I’ve been waiting ever since I played AC3 and this is my favorite time period and I wished for ever and boom it’s here so happy???? TO VALHALLA

  9. Since assassin's creed origins it doesnt feel like assassin's creed. unity was the last one that felt like assassin's creed like this game looks dope but where is his assassin's suit same goes for origins and oddesey they didnt have an assassin's suit

  10. Vikings integrating themselves into society? Dude why is there a need to humanize every main character and basically make him the good guy? I don't care about playing the bad guy, it would actually be very welcome for a change, I wanna pillage, I wanna steal, I wanna do bad things… I thought having the direct of Black Flag would make things different but nah, it is the whole "invader good and protectors of land bad" all over again.

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