迈克尔·格雷格博士:“如何不死” Google会谈

Greger博士访问了Google NYC,讨论了他的新书《如何不死》。

饮食和生活方式的简单改变可以预防绝大多数的过早死亡。在国际著名的讲师,医生,NutritionFacts.org的创始人迈克尔·格里格(Michael Greger)博士的《如何不死》中,研究了美国的15种主要死亡原因,包括心脏病,各种癌症,糖尿病,帕金森氏病,高血压,以及更多内容,并说明了营养和生活方式干预有时可以胜过处方药以及其他药物和外科手术方法,从而使我们享有更健康的生活。

一个简单的事实是,大多数医生擅长治疗急性疾病,但不能预防慢性病。 15种主要死亡原因每年夺去160万美国人的生命。不一定是这种情况。遵循格里格博士的建议,所有这些都得到同行评审的科学证据的支持,您将了解要吃哪些食物以及哪些生活方式可以改变以延长寿命。



由Anthony V.主持。

  1. Damn, 3 years ago I really believed in his work, I thought he was telling the true truths about nutrition. Then at some point I learnt how real research works. And now all I see here is a crap ton of BULLSHIT. It may sound all informative and helpful, but he's mixing facts with nonsense in such a way that people without a scientific background can't tell the difference. Shame that Google gave him a platform to spread this shit even further.

  2. Not so fast, Dr. Greger! Of course, a plant-based diet will help prevent coronavirus. "Underlying conditions" are the reason most die of COVID-19. Those underlying conditions? Let's see, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer —on and on. Treat (cure) the underlying conditions and we are stronger and our immune systems can fight off germs & viruses more aggressively.

  3. I'm very dubious of anything promoted by Google. I know several vegan females who almost died of anemia on a vegan diet and they had to start eating red meat to live. Also, some people are very sensitive to plant oxalates and have to eat a carnivore diet. Most vegan men I know have a tendency to be quite frail and have permanent soy face.

  4. I love this guy. I think Dr. Greger should run for US presidency, seriously, wouldn´t that be a story? First plantbased President?

  5. He looks so unhealthy and malnourished. If he would simply listen to his body and eat animals , he would not need to read all of those bullshit studies. He would look healthy and I could take him seriously. This guy is a fool.

  6. Why was I always sick and tired on a vegan diet?
    Tried it from age 16-28 and kept getting sicker and sicker. Started eating meat a few times a week and all my health problems went away and suddenly had more energy and brain processing power than I’ve had in years.

  7. Less muscle than a ten year old girl, low testosterone, weak frame, myopia, squeaky voice, baldness, brain fog. This surely looks like an authority figure on health and longevity. What are his recommendations based on? Epidemiology on garbage in – garbage out models. Rodent studies. Misinterpreted, cherry picked trials with low participation numbers. And a big dosage of argumentum ad aerecundiam.

    I should get into the confidence trickster business. If that clown can pull it off, anybody can.

  8. there are a lot of doctors out there advocating lots of stuff. some sound reasonable because they seem to want to monetize their advice. i am suspicious. i trust this guy. today i am going to buy "how not to die" and the cookbook by greger. i borrowed "how" from the library and realized that i want to own it.

  9. Some good stuff. But also some assumptions. Correlations do not prove causation. Confounders are abundant. So much of what he has said has been authenticated, but on the other coin, a lot has already been debunked. Always continue learning even when the facts don’t fit your previous assumptions, and you won’t waste half your life like I did.

  10. I've been vegan for 6 years. In that time: my asthma is completely under control, I haven't had a lung infection ( I used to get them 3x a year, I haven't had a UTI, my blood pressure is normal, and I just over all feel amazing. But I make sure to take my B12 and vegan DHA.

  11. These low-fat morons aggressively pushing unnatural low-fat diet caused an explosion of heavily processed junk and the epidemic of obesity. Now they realized their mistake and instead of looking at the data and correcting, they doubled down. Now it's not enough to eat the low-fat Mediterranean. Now you need to be low-fat vegan. Nobody eats like this, it'd disgusting, unnatural and wrong.

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