
喜欢,评论和订阅这样的视频。 接下来我将上传什么SPEED UP视频? 在下面发表评论。 GFRIEND(여자친구)-月夜时间(밤)音频(加速)GFRIEND(여자친구)-月夜时间(밤)音频2倍加速GFRIEND(여자친구)-月夜时间(밤 )音频2倍速GFRIEND(여자친구)-月亮之夜的时间(밤)音频2X更快GFRIEND(여자친구)-月亮之夜的时间(밤)音频GFRIEND(여자친구)-月亮之夜的时间( 밤)更快的音频GFRIEND(여자친구)-月亮之夜的时间(밤)音频2X Speed GFRIEND(여자친구)-月亮之夜的时间(밤)挑战GFRIEND(여자친구)-月亮之夜的时间(밤)音频2倍更快GFRIEND(여자친구)-月亮之夜(밤)挑战GFRIEND(여자친구)-月亮之夜(밤)音频GFRIEND(여자친구)-月亮之夜(밤)GFRIEND(여자 친구)GFROEND KPOP区KPOP区KPOP区KPOP区KPOP区。

  1. I danced this at my dance school. My teacher said we have to dance to kpop song 2x speed. We danced to Sunrise, TFTMN, Navillera, Rough, Fingertip, Summer rain and Love whisper. Then we danced to Seventeen songs 2x speed too. And other kpop songs. I feel like fainting. My teacher is dumb. We just took one 10 Minute break and then no break anymore. I FEEL LIKE FAINTING!! no..sorry..

  2. Gosh i came here after dancing to 2x speed navillera and now i feel like fainting… navillera 2x speed is just…. and i dont why do i bother to do this one as well…

  3. When i was in the bathroom i open this song… When part at 0:27 until 0:35 i heard someone sing it.. I felt really scared shiver through down my spine and im just get out from the bathroom..

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