
神奇女侠的新时代从这里开始。 #WW84仅在剧院中。 http://www.facebook.com/WonderWomanFilm http://twitter.com/WonderWomanFilm http://www.instagram.com/wonderwomanfilm http://wonderwoman1984.com快进到1980年代是《神奇女侠》的下一场大银幕冒险发现她面对两个全新的敌人:马克斯·洛德(Max Lord)和猎豹(The Cheetah)。 导演帕蒂·詹金斯(Patty Jenkins)再次掌舵,加尔·加朵特(Gal Gadot)再次出演头衔,华纳兄弟影业(Warner Bros. Pictures)继《超级女人1984》之后,成为DC超级英雄的首次亮相,2017年创纪录的《神奇女侠》获得了冠军。全球票房8.22亿美元。 这部电影还由克里斯·派恩(Chris Pine)饰演史蒂夫·特雷弗(Steve Trevor),克里斯汀·维格(Kristen Wiig)饰演的猎豹,佩德罗·帕斯卡(Pedro Pascal)饰演的马克斯·罗德(Max Lord),罗宾·赖特(Robin Wright)饰演Antiope,康妮·尼尔森(Connie Nielsen)饰演Hippolyta。 Charles Roven,Deborah Snyder,Zack Snyder,Patty Jenkins,Gal Gadot和Stephen Jones都在制作电影。 执行制片人包括丽贝卡·斯蒂芬·罗文·奥克利(Rebecca Steel Roven Oakley),理查德·苏克尔(Richard Suckle),玛丽安·詹金斯(Marianne Jenkins),杰夫·约翰斯(Geoff Johns),沃尔特·哈马达(Walter Hamada),尚塔尔·农沃(Chantal Nong Vo)和韦斯利·科勒(Wesley Coller)。 帕蒂·詹金斯(Patty Jenkins)是根据她与杰夫·约翰斯(Geoff Johns)和戴维·卡拉汉姆(David Callaham)撰写的电影剧本导演的,该剧本由詹金斯和约翰斯(John Jenkins&Johns)改编,故事基于DC的角色。 她的“神奇女侠”团队的几位成员也加入了幕后导演的行列,其中包括摄影总监Matthew Jensen,奥斯卡提名的制作设计师Aline Bonetto(“Amélie”)和获得奥斯卡奖的服装设计师Lindy Hemming(“ Topsy-Turvy” ”)。 奥斯卡提名的剪辑师理查德·皮尔森(Richard Pearson,以下简称“曼联93”)正在剪辑这部电影。 音乐由获得奥斯卡奖的作曲家汉斯·齐默尔(“敦刻尔克”,“狮子王”)创作。 华纳兄弟影业公司(Warner Bros. Pictures)展示了阿特拉斯(Atlas)娱乐/石材采石场制作,帕蒂·詹金斯(Patty Jenkins)的电影,《 1984年奇妙的女人》。 它将在部分影院和IMAX的2D和3D影院中开放,它将由华纳兄弟影业在全球发行。 这部电影因动作和暴力而被评为PG-13。 。

  1. and what is the "1984" tag all about if not yet another subliminal message from the Deep State. Hollywood has been brainwashing us for a century! POWER TO THE TRUTH BEING RELEASED!

  2. Full of CGI and cheap and bullshite story lines …!! You see this is where Hollywood ended when they try on $$$$ rather than Art of cinema …!! Actors or actresses who were wining Oscars for best acting nowadays don’t mean anything only fame brings the name not the talents …!!
    Shame really shame new generation lost in bullshite monopoly and wallstreet games and will never knowing what’s really artist means …

  3. I hope Gal took some acting lessons.. but this preview shows that she didn't. Terrible flop acting. We get it, she's stereotypically sexy, but she's just not a very good actress. Sorry.

  4. I thought trailers were supports to slowly make the movie seem more and more exciting. Earlier trailers made me exciting. This one makes me wonder if I should shave tomorrow or not.

  5. Gal gadot her face expressions are so corny it really almost doesn’t work for a superhero role tbh lol ?. I wanna read the comic now that i never did but i like the design of the suit and wanna see it in its glory. But her playing this role aint convincing me to watch thw movie tbh ???

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