如何修复慢PS4? 在几分钟内加快滞后和冻结!

如何修复慢PS4? 在几分钟内加速延迟和加载! 订阅频道:https://bit.ly/KMT_SubscribeNow ————————————- ————————————————– ————————-关于此视频在此视频中,我们介绍了有关如何修复慢PS4的前6种方法? 这意味着菜单滞后或只是PS4慢菜单修复。 我们介绍了在花钱进行维修或购买全新的PS4之前,可以使用哪些方法使PS4更快。 这可能只是一个快速修复,因此请务必尝试这些提示和技巧。 有几种方法可以使您的PS4更快并避免延迟:1.删除PS4上的通知2.朋友太多,因此删除您刚刚在锦标赛中玩过的朋友3.删除那些旧的PS4消息4.限制项目数显示在PS4主屏幕上。5.应用程序太多,删除不使用的旧PS4游戏和应用程序。6.重建损坏的数据库观看视频以获取更多详细信息! ————————————————– ————————————————– ————资源和链接:►查看我们的网站:https://knowmytechnology.com/►捐赠$ 5一杯咖啡:https://www.buymeacoffee.com/knowmytech联系我们:如果您还有其他问题或意见,可以直接通过电子邮件发送电子邮件至[email protected]。感谢您收看有关如何修复慢PS4的视频。 要再次观看此视频:https://youtu.be/g8-KJOM37Us。

  1. This doesn’t work, my graphics won’t load in a game and always die off spawn, I cleaned it I removed the hard drive and it’s still slow. Luckily I’m getting the ps5

  2. For the past month, my PS4 has had random freezes, lag in applications and sometimes when I load into a application, it's stuck on the home screen and I can't escape. My PS4 just turned off by itself for some reason and I don't know why, now when I press ps it won't turn on! I'm gonna turn it off from plug as it's he only way.

  3. Please idk what happened my ps4 started showing the blue light of death few months ago and I fixed but now it came again I had to eventually clear my whole ps4 and lose everything but it’s still lagging and randomly switching off

  4. my ps4 was working 2 weeks ago, but then i downloaded mw which took 206 or 203gb, and rn i have 127gb free space. So is it from mw?

  5. Hey can u help me resolve this problem? Me and my little brother have 2 ps4's and mine is always lagging when I play with him, when he's not online however, my ps4 is perfectly fine do u have any tips or advice for this sort of thing? We both play wireless btw

  6. I need help because it still goes slow and i have ps4 pro it crashes every time i turn it on or takes alot of time to load a game or even to go to settings do i need a new ps4?

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