
查看概念预告片,了解Rayark即将推出的动作游戏Binary Gods最终看起来会是什么样子。 Rayark之前曾在移动设备上为PS4 / PSVR和《伊甸之魂》制作了Deemo Reborn。 #IGN#游戏。

  1. I love how everyone feels the need to explain that this may not be what the game looks like. ITS CALLED A CONCEPT TRAILER ahaha just enjoy it for what it is sheeesh. Thought it looked like a pretty cool concept.

  2. "concept trailer" ain't going to look like this when it comes out. I've seen the mobile game ads with gorgeous graphics and then you play the game and it looks like a turd.

  3. So it's a far back third person hack and slash, top down shooter, over the shoulders third person hack and slash that switches between analog to mobile screen controls…in concept?

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